Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MuCEM) in Marseille (2015)
The Shared Sacred Sites exhibition (“Lieux saints partagés” in French) started at the Mucem in Marseille, south of France. It was the result of 3 years of collective work. During 2 years, the curators and anthropologists travelled across the Mediterranean to collect religious materials, images and videos. In 4 months, more than 120,000 people visited the exhibition presented in a space of 1200 m2.
MuCEM’s website can be found here.
Dionigi Albera (CNRS)
Manoël Pénicaud (Mucem-CNRS)
Isabelle Marquette (Mucem)
Exhibit Teaser:
Video Visit of the Exhibit:
Video Visit With the Curators:
Check out the catalogue (Actes Sud) here.
(Award of the Mediterranean Book of Art 2015)
The press kit for the event is also available here, in English. And here in French.
Press Selection
The Huffington Post: “Sacred Sanctuaries in the Fog of Death,” by Franck Browning (June 30, 2015)
La Crois: “La Méditerranée, écrin des monothéismes,” by Jean-Christophe Ploquin (April 28, 2015)
TV5 Monde: Moyen-Orient Express (June 7, 2015)
A PDF of the education booklet (in French) is available for download here.