why maps matter
Maps help us visualize and relate to the world we live In. The maps on this page show the range and diversity of sacred sites shared by multiple religions. The Field Map below offers brief descriptions of some of the many sites studied by scholars in our network and demonstrates the widespread phenomenon of sharing. Storymaps bring select sites to life with more detail, history, context, and images, with resources for further investigation.
field map
This map locates shared sacred sites studied by scholars in the Shared Sacred Sites Project network. It is a growing and evolving visualization of the fact that such sites exist in nearly every part of the planet. Explore the brief descriptions of the sites marked with green pointers, or take a deeper dive on the purple points by following the link to a storymap. This map is growing — check back for updates!
What are Storymaps?
StoryMaps help to visualize the fuller life and history of a place. These Shared Sacred Sites Collaborative StoryMaps invite you to explore sacred spaces where one or more of our team members have done extended research. Each StoryMap guides you through a shared site in its geographical and historical context, surveys the spatial dimensions and the common spiritual practices, details key figures and objects associated with the site, and provides additional resources for further study.
Please keep in mind that conditions change constantly.
These storymaps reflect the most recent visits from our team.
Storymaps overview
This map shows the sites for which our team have developed StoryMaps to explore a shared sacred site in greater depth. Click through the sites on this map or scroll through the pages to learn more about these fascinating sites.
Tomb Shrine of Hazrat
Tawakkal Mastan Shah
Bengaluru, India
Saint Dimitrios Church
KuruçeSme, Istanbul
Church of Mary
Vefa, Istanbul
Etz Hayyim Synagogue
Chania, Crete
House of Mary
Sanctuary of St. Anthony
Lac, albania
The Ghriba Synagogue
Hara Sghira Er Riadh, Tunisia
Durbali Sultan Tekke
Farsala, Thessaly, Greece