Copyright and Legal
All prose writing and original essays appearing on the site were authored by members of the Shared Sacred Sites team unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
The writing, images, and all content on sharedsacredsites.net (the site) is Copyright ©2020 Shared Sacred Sites (the project) except as where noted below:
Items, such as images, with an explicit copyright caption are owned by the named individual and appear here with permission.
The bibliographic citations appearing in the Repository and Fieldwork Archive refer to works published external to the site. These citations are used under academic fair use.
The downloadable archive (.zip) files of multimedia appearing in the Fieldwork Archive are hosted with the permission of the authors. Permission is granted to anyone to use these files under the Creative Commons Attribution By (CC-BY) license.
Similarly, the works, materials, and data appearing in Visual Hasluck may be used under the Creative Commons Attribution By (CC-BY) license.
The banner images in the header (except for those created by Loopo Studio) are owned by Karen Barkey and appear here with permission.
Shared Sacred Sites was made possible thanks to the generosity of several institutions that are noted in the acknowledgements. We greatly appreciate their support and the availability of free and open-source technologies that made this project possible.