The directory of scholars provides a profile for dozens of scholars in the network, including their areas of interest, associated sites, and links to their publications and fieldwork materials
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Albera, Dionigi
CNRS, IDEAS, Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest
Shared sacred sites, Pilgrimage, Cult of Saints, Historical anthropology, Mobility, Exhibitions
Dionigi Albera, Lampedusa, une histoire méditerranéenne, Paris, Seuil, 2023.
Albera, Khuen & Pénicaud (eds.), Religiographies. Special Issue: Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division, 1, 1, 2022
Albera, & Pénicaud, “A Paradoxical Pilgrimage. The Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba” , Religiographies, 1, 1, 2022, 96-116
Albera, Barkey & Pénicaud (eds.), Shared Sacred Sites, The New York Public Library, The City University of New York, The Morgan Library & Museum, 2018
Albera, Barkey, Karavatos, Misirloglou, Papadopoulos & Pénicaud (eds.), Shared Sacred Sites in the Balkans and the Mediterranean, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018
Dionigi Albera and Katell Berthelot (eds.). Dieu, une enquête. Judaïsme, christianisme, islam, ce qui les distingue, ce qui les rapproche. Flammarion, 2013.
Dionigi Albera; Maria Couroucli (Eds). Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean. Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries, Indiana University Press, 2012
Bard College, Charles Theodore Kellogg and Bertie K. Hawver Kellogg Chair of Sociology and Religion
Areas of Interest
Interdisciplinary Study of Religions, Sociology, Historical and Political Sociology; Study of Empire/Imperial Organization; Religious Pluralism; Religious and Ethnic Toleration; Politics of Shared Sacred Sites; Nationhood and Forms of Nationalism; State Control and Dissent Against Imperial States; The Ottoman Empire in Comparative Perspective
Barkey Karen, Jonathan Laurence, eds. 2024. Handbook on Religious Toleration. Springer Publications. Forthcoming.
Barkey, Karen, Sudipta Kaviraj and Vatsal Naresh, eds. August 2021. Negotiating Democracy and Religious Pluralism: India, Pakistan and Turkey. Oxford University Press.
Barkey, Karen, Dionigi Albera and Manoël Pénicaud, eds. 2018. Shared Sacred Sites: A Contemporary Pilgrimage, CUNY Publications.
Dionigi Albera, Barkey Karen, Dimitris Papadopoulos and Manoël Pénicaud, eds. 2018. Shared Sacred Sites in the Balkans and in the Mediterranean. Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art Publications.
Barkan, Elazar, and Karen Barkey, eds. 2014. Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites: Religion, Politics, and Conflict Resolution. New York: Columbia University Press.
Empire of Difference: The Ottomans in Comparative Perspective. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
1997. After Empire: Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building: The Soviet Union and The Russian, Ottoman, And Habsburg Empires. (with Mark Von Hagen). Westview Press.
1994. Bandits and Bureaucrats: The Ottoman Route to State Centralization. The Wilder House Series in Politics, History and Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Vefa, Saint Antony Church, Aya Yorgi, Büyükada (Istanbul)Etz Hayim Synagogue (Chania, Crete)The Ali Sultan (Tekke, Farsala)
Bigelow, Anna
Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Stanford University
Areas of Interest
Islamic Studies, material religion, critical theory, South Asia, shared sacred sites, death
Bigelow, Anna. 2012. “Everybody’s Baba: Making Space for the Other.” In Sharing the Sacra: The Politics and Pragmatics of Intercommunal Relations Around Holy Places, edited by Glenn Bowman, 25–43.
Anna Bigelow, Lived Secularism: Studies in India and Turkey, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 87, Issue 3, September 2019, Pages 725–764,
Bigelow, Anna. 2010. Sharing the Sacred : Practicing Pluralism in Muslim North India. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
"“Senses of Belonging: Materiality and Attunement at Sufi Shrines in
India,” – MAVCOR: The Yale Journal on Material and Visual Cultures of Religion, Volume 6, Issue 2, 2022."
“Unifying Structures, Structuring Unity: Negotiating the Sharing of the Guru’s Mosque,” Radical History Review 99, 2007, (pp. 158-172).
"The Crucible of Peace: Pluralism and Community in Muslim Punjab," in Vasudha Dalmia and Martin Fuchs, editors. Religious Interactions in Modern India. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019 (pp. 274-305).
"Hagia Sophia’s Tears and Smiles: The Ambivalent Life of a Global Monument," in Nora Fisher-Onar and Fuat Keyman, editors. Istanbul: Living with Difference in a Global City. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2018 (pp. 112-127).
"Post-Partition Pluralism: Placing Islam in Indian Punjab," in Farina Mir and Anshu Malhotra, editors. A Punjab Reader. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012 (pp. 409-435).
Sufi tomb shrines in contemporary India, Marian shrines in contemporary Turkey
Boivin, Michel
Centre for the Study of South Asia and the Himalaya, CESAH (CNRS-EHESS)
Areas of Interest
Historical anthropology of religions
Michel Boivin and Charu Gidwani, An Anthology of Sindhi Sufi Poetry as Preserved by the Sindhis of India, Edited and translated by, edited by Rohitesh Gidwani, Ulhasnagar, Adviksham Publisher, 2024.
Michel Boivin, Devotion, Religious Authority and Social Structures in Sindh: Khojas, Vaniyos and Faqirs, Leiden-Boston, Brill Publisher, 2024.
Michel Boivin and Manoël Pénicaud (Eds), Inter-religious Practices and Saint Veneration in the Muslim World. Khidr/Khizr from the Middle East to South Asia, London and New York, Routledge, 2023.
Michel Boivin, “Ethnography of the dhago. Material Culture and the Performance of Devotion in South Asia”, in Giovani di Zorzi and Thomas Dahnhardt (eds), Journey among Dervishes between Past and Present, Milano, Mimesis International, 2023, pp. 127-151.
Michel Boivin, "Negotiating a Vernacular Heritage beyond Borders: Visual Representations of Jhulelal between Pakistan and India”, in Jürgen Schaflechner, Christina Oesterheld, and Ayesha Asif, Pakistan: Alternative Imag(in)ings of the Nation State, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 219-245.
Michel Boivin, The Sufi Paradigm and the Makings of a Vernacular Knowledge in Colonial India: The Case of Sindh (1851-1929), New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Michel Boivin, “Bodies & Artefacts. Relics and Other Devotional Supports in Shiʿa Societies in the Indic and Iranian Worlds. An Introduction », special issue of the Journal of the Material Culture in the Muslim World (Brill Publisher), Vol. 1 -n°2, Guest editor with Sepideh Parsapajouh and Annabelle Collinet, 2020.
Michel Boivin, The Hindu Sufis of South Asia. Partition, Shrine Culture and the Sindhis of India, London, I.B. Tauris, 2019.
Michel Boivin, Historical Dictionary of the Sufi culture of Sindh in Pakistan and in India, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Michel Boivin, Artefacts of Devotion, Preface by Carl Ernst, Karachi, Oxford University Press, 2011.
South Asia (Pakistan, India), 19th-21th centuries
Bossi, Luca
Research fellow - University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society; Affiliated researcher - University of Lausanne, Institut de Sciences Sociales des Religions
Areas of Interest
Shared religious places; places of worship and the right to the city; religious diversity and urban space; religions in public and political space.
List of publications:
Italy (Catania, Rome, Turin); Switzerland (Bern, Lausanne).
Burchardt, Marian
Leipzig University
Areas of Interest
Urban ethnography, sociology of religion, multi-religious spaces, anthropology of religion, material religion, theories of space"
Griera, M., Burchardt, M., & Astor, A. (2019). European identities, heritage, and the iconic power of multi-religious buildings: cordoba’s mosque cathedral and Berlin’s house of one. In Volume 10: interreligious dialogue (pp. 13-31). Brill.
Burchardt, M. (2023). Designing interreligious encounters: space, materiality, and media in berlin’s house of one. Material Religion, 19(2), 101-125.
Burchardt, M., & Haering, J. (2023). Architectures of Tolerance: Muslims, Alevis and the Impossible Promise of Berlin's House of One. In Interreligious Encounters in Europe (pp. 97-118). Routledge.
Burchardt, M., & Giorda, M. C. (Eds.). (2022). Geographies of encounter: The making and unmaking of multi-religious spaces. Springer Nature.
Spain, South Africa, Ghana
Cuffel, Alexandra
Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
Areas of Interest
Shared Saints and Festivals among Jews, Christians and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean (Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, 2024)
“Environmental Disasters and Political Dominance in Shared Festivals and Intercessions among Medieval Muslims, Christians and Jews,” Muslims and Others in Sacred Space, ed. Margaret Cormack (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2012) 108-146
“From Practice to Polemic: shared saints and festivals as ‘women’s religion’ in the medieval Mediterranean.” The Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 68/3 (2005) 401-419
“‘Henceforward All Generations Will Call Me Blessed’: Medieval Christian Tales of Non-Christian Marian Veneration.” Mediterranean Studies 12 (2003) 37-60
Medieval and early modern. Predominantly the Mediterranean
Bowman, Glenn
Emeritus Professor, University of Kent at Canterbury
Areas of Interest
Former Yugoslavia, Cyprus, Nationalism and Resistance
(1993). Nationalising the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories. Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 113–120
(2010). Orthodox-Muslim Interactions at “Mixed Shrines” in Macedonia. In C. Hann & H. Goltz (Eds.), Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective (pp. 195–219). University of California Press.
(2011). “In dubious Battle on the Plains of Heav’n”: the Politics of Possession in Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre. History and Anthropology, XXII(3), 371–399.
ed. (2012). Sharing the Sacra: the Politics and Pragmatics of Inter-communal Relations around Holy Places. Berghahn Books.
(2012). Nationalizing and Denationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories. In Y. Reiter, M. Breger, & L. Hammer (Eds.), Sacred Space in Israel and Palestine: Religion and Politics(pp. 195–227). Routledge.
(2014). Sharing and Exclusion: the Case of Rachel’s Tomb. Jerusalem Quarterly, 58(58), 30–49.
(2015) "Lieux Saints Partagés: An Analytical Review". Medieval Worlds 1: 2 (Empires: Elements of Cohesion and Signs of Decay), Autumn 2015. 89-99
(2019). Shared Shrines and the Discourse of Clashing Civilisations. Entangled Religions . Vol. 9(special issue : The Changing Landscapes of Cross-Faith Places and Practices) 108–138.
(2021). Strategies of Dealing with the Other: Coexistence and Exclusion. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 11 (1) (special issue on Fernando Ortiz). also in Stephan Palmie, ed (2023), Fernando Ortiz: Caribbean and Mediterranean Counterpoints. Hau Books. 159-203
(2023). In the Presence of the Other: The Processes and Problematics of Co-Habiting Religious Sites. Biography of a Landmark: The Chora Monastery/Kariye Camil in Constantinople from Late Antiquity to the 21st Century. ed. Manuela Studer-Karlen. Brill. 178-218.
Bria, Gianfranco
Sapienza University of Rome
Areas of Interest
Muslims life and history in southern-eastern Europe since late modern Ottoman Empire.
Bria, Gianfranco, and Maria Chiara Giorda, ""Religious Materiality and Virtual Sainthood: The Case of Shna Ndou (St. Anthony) Pilgrimage in Laç"", Religions 14.9 (2023): 1113.
Bria, Gianfranco, Tateo, Giuseppe (edited by) “Multidisciplinary approaches to shared religious places: insights from Southeast Europe”, Fieldwork in Religion, 1/2024 [Special Issue].
Bria, Gianfranco, Tolerance as multiple construction in the post-communist realm: Dervish Luzha’s tomb in northern Albania, Barkey Karen and Laurence Jonathan (eds.), Handbook on Tolleration, New York: Springer (in press).
Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey
Buturovic, Amila
York University
Areas of Interest
Bosnia and Herzegovina; Ottoman Bosnia; Ottoman Balkans; sacred space; shared practices; funerary practices; death culture; Islamic esotericism;
2016 Carved in Stone, Etched in Memory: Death, Tombstones and Commemoration in Bosnian Islam. Farnham: Ashgate/Routledge Publishing.
2002 Stone Speaker: Medieval Tombstones, Landscape, and Bosnian Identity in the Poetry of Mak Dizdar. New York: Palgrave/St Martin’s Press.
2023 “Death and Dying in Ottoman Bosnia: Before and After,” in A. Jianu and G. Lazar, Death, Inheritance, and Memory: Discourses on death and testamentary practices in East-Central Europe and the Balkans (14th-19th centuries), under contract with Francis & Taylor.
2022. "Between Transculturation and Re-Enculturation: The Gravestones of Ottoman Bosnia and Europe's Islamicate Archaeology." Chloe Duckworth and David Govantes-Edwards, Archaeology, Politics and Islamicate Cultural Heritage in Europe. EQUINOX Publishing.
2020 "Cephalophoric shrines: Death and Coexistence in Ottoman Bosnia." Azra Aksamija & Rixt Woudstra, eds. Architecture of Coexistence. Berlin: Architangle.
2002 “Mediaeval Cemeteries as Sites of Cultural Memory: The Poetry of Mak Dizdar.” Islam and Bosnia. Ed. M. Shatzmiller. Montreal: McGill-Queens’s University Press, 35-55.
2001 “Re-Asserting Authenticity: Bosnian Identity, Religion, and Landscape in the Poetry of Mak Dizdar” Mapping the Sacred: Religion, Geography, and Postcolonial Literatures. Ed. J. Scott & P. Simpson-Houseley. Amsterdam: Rodopi VP, 381-400.
Bosnia; the Balkans
Federici, Angelica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Areas of Interest
Digital Humanities Architecture Space VR
DiktaS, Mustafa
Independent researcher
Areas of Interest
Anthropology of pilgrimage. Sacred sites.
Saint George : A shared Saint in the Mediterranean?
Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Romania
Dumper, Mick
University of Exeter
Areas of Interest
Urban conflict, holy cities, religious communities and ethno-nationalism.
DYE, Guillaume
Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Areas of Interest
Late Antiquity, Early Islam, Method and theory in the study of religions
G. Dye (ed.), Early Islam. The Sectarian Milieu of Late Antiquity?, Brussels, 2023
I. Dépret & G. Dye (éds), Partage du sacré. Transferts, dévotions mixtes, rivalités interconfessionnelles, Bruxelles-Fernelmont, 2011
de Tapia, Aude Aylin
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Areas of Interest
Religious history and anthropology, Shared sacred sites, shared beliefs, Ottoman Empire, Republic of Turkey, Anatolia, Cappadocia, Christian-Muslim interactions, Greek-Orthodox communities, Rural space
"de Tapia, Aude Aylin, Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Cappadocia. Local Interactions in an Ottoman Countryside (1839-1923), Brill, 2023
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “Greek-Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Nineteenth-Century Cappadocia. Shared Worship Places and Ritual Practices”, Proceedings of the BATAS Conference Series, Turkish Area Studies Review, Bulletin of the British Association for Turkish Area Studies 39, Spring 2022, p.38-43.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “Calendars of Exopraxis: On Temporality of Muslim-Christian Shared Celebrations in late Ottoman Cappadocia,” Common Knowledge n°26/1, 2020, 308–332.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “The Many Lives of the Cezaevi-Kilise of Nevşehir”, in V. R. de Obaldía (ed.), The Conversion of Spaces and Places of Worship in Anatolia, International Conference Proceedings, 10–11 April 2021, Istanbul: self-publishing by ADO, ADİP, 2021, 234–240.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “Cappadocia's Ottoman-Greek-Orthodox Heritage: The Making, Unmaking, and Remaking of a Religious Heritage Complex”, in Nathalie Cerezales et Cyril Isnart (eds.), The Religious Heritage Complex: Conservation, Objects and Habitus in Spiritual Contexts, Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion, 2020.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “D'un ethnonyme à l'autre : les chrétiens orthodoxes turcophones de Cappadoce à la fin de l'Empire ottoman”, in Valérie Assan, Bernard Heyberger et Jakob Vogel (éds), Minorités en Méditerranée au XIXe siècle. Identités, identification, circulations, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2019
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “Espaces de coprésence et cultes partagés”, in Anne-Claire Bonneville, Sylvia Chiffoleau, Norig Neveu et Matthieu Rey (éds.), Manuel Clefs Concours Atlande (Capes/Agrégation 2017-2018), Histoire du Moyen-Orient de 1876 à 1980, 2017, p.300-305.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “Negotiating Above and Underground Sacredness in Nineteenth-Century Cappadocia: The Use of Underground Settlements”, in Mario Parise, Carla Galeazzi, Roberto Bixio, Ali Yamaç (eds.), HYPOGEA 2017, Proceedings of the International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities, Cappadocia, Turkey, March 06-10, 2017, p.431-439.
de Tapia, Aude Aylin, “La Cappadoce chrétienne ottomane : un patrimoine (volontairement) oublié ?” European Journal of Turkish Studies, numéro spécial : La fabrique du patrimoine en Turquie. Acteurs, enjeux, échelles II, dirigé par Muriel Girard, n°20, 2015."
Cappadocia (regions of Nevsehir, Nigde, Kayseri, Aksaray)
Harmansah, Rabia
Leuphana University
Areas of Interest
Political anthropology, ethno-religious conflict, memory, landscape studies, shared spaces; Cyprus, Turkey
2024, Harmanşah R. Conflict and the Museumification of Religious Sites: Mosque and Church in Divided Cyprus. In Religion and Heritage: Scholarship and Practice in Contemporary Europe. Todd H. Weir, Lieke Wijnia, Jacobine Gelderloos (eds.). Bloomsbury: London, Oxford.
2021, Harmanşah R. Fraternal Other: Negotiating Ethnic and Religious Identities at a Muslim Sacred Site in Northern Cyprus. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-19.
2016, Harmanşah R. Appropriating Common Ground? On Apostolos Andreas Monastery in Karpas Peninsula. In the Northern Face of Cyprus: New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History. Latife Sümmerer & Hazar Kaba (eds.). Ege Yayınları, Istanbul, pp. 477-488.
2014, Harmanşah R. & T. Tanyeri-Erdemir & R. Hayden. Secularizing the Unsecularizable: A Comparative Study of the Hacı Bektaş Veli and the Mevlana Museums in Turkey. In Choreographies of Shared Sacred Spaces. Elazar Barkan and Karen Barkey (eds.) Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 336-367.
Cyprus, Turkey
Giorda, Maria Chiara
Roma Tre University, Department of Humanities
Areas of Interest
History of monasticism, geography of religions, religion and urban spaces, shared religious places.
Giorda 2023 (with I. Cozma). The “St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox and National Shrine” at Ground Zero: A Supposed Multifaith Place in a Sacred Space. In: “Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni” 89, 1, 2023: 274-297.
Giorda 2021 (with M. Burchardt). Geography of Encounters: The Making and Unmaking Spaces. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-82524-9; Online ISBN 978-3-030-82525-6.
Giorda 2023. La chiesa ortodossa romena in Italia. Per una geografia storico-religiosa. Viella: Roma (Studi e ricerche. Università di Roma Tre). ISBN: 9791254693391.
Giorda 2024 (with I. Cozma). Monasteri ortodossi e spazi urbani in Romania tra l’X e il XVI secolo. In: “Nuova Rivista Storica” 108/1, Gennaio-Aprile 2024, pp. 23-41. ISSN 0029-6236.
Italy: Rome and Turin; Albania; Romania; New York City
Hayden, Robert
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology & Law, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Areas of Interest
Antagonistic Tolerance: Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites; theoretical approaches to shared/ mixed sites; comparative research; Balkans and India
Antagonistic Tolerance: Competitive Sharing of Religious Sites and Spaces. London: Routledge, 2016. (with Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir, Timothy D. Walker, Aykan Erdemir, Devika Rangachari, Manuel Aguilar-Moreno, Enrique López-Hurtado, and Milica Bakić-Hayden)
“Religious Structures and Political Dominance in Belgrade.” Anthropologia Balkanica 9: 213-222 (2005).
“The Byzantine Mosque at Trilye: A Processual Analysis of Dominance, Sharing, Transformation and Tolerance” (with Hande Sozer, Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir and Aykan Erdemir). History & Anthropology 22: 1-18 (2011).
“Intersecting Religioscapes: A Comparative Approach to Trajectories of Change, Scale, and Competitive Sharing of Religious Spaces.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 81(#2): 399-426 (2013). (With Timothy D. Walker)
“The Iconostasis in the Republican Mosque: Transformed Religious Sites as Artifacts of Intersecting Religioscapes,” International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 46: 489-512 (2014) (with Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir and Aykan Erdemir).
“Secularizing the Unsecularizable: A Comparative Study of the Hacı Bektaş and Mevlana Museums in Turkey,” pp. 336-367 in K. Barkay & E. Barkan, Choreographies of Sharing at Sacred Sites: Religion and Conflict Resolution. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014 (with Rabia Harmanşah and Tuğba Tanyeri-Erdemir).
“Religiously Nationalizing the Landscape in Bosnia-Herzegovina,”pp. 215-246 in Gruia Bădescu, Britt Bailey & Francesco Mazzuccheli, eds., Transforming National Heritage in the former Yugoslavia: Synchronous Pasts. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. (with Mario Katić).
“Shared Spaces, or Mixed?” Oxford Handbook of Religious Space, Jeanne H. Kilde, gen. ed., Oxford University Press, Sept 2022. Doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190874988.013.3
“The Fluid Dynamics of Viscous Identities: Sedimentations of Time in Five Late-Ottoman Refugee Towns in Bosnia since 1863,” Slavonic & East European Review 101 (1), 2023, p. 114-150. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/see.2023.a897287.
“Antagonistic Tolerance in the Late Antique Eastern Empire: The View from Rumelia.” Pp. 215-242 in Francesco Massa, Maureen Attali (Eds), Shared Religious Sites in Late Antiquity: Negotiating Cultural and Ritual Identities in the Eastern Roman Empire. Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2023. sites-in-late-antiquity-978-3-7965-4728-7.
Kanifnath/ Shah Ramzan sites in Maharashtra, India: 1976, 1992, 2013; Turkey (2006-20012), comparative research in India and the Balkans since 2002; Bosnia-Herzegovina since 2018.
Guidetti, Mattia
University of Bologna
Areas of Interest
Islamic art; Islamic studies; Mediterranean area
"(with Andreas Goerke) “Introducing Holy Places in Islam”, in Andreas Goerke and Matta Guidetti eds., Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond, Leiden: Brill, 2024, pp. 1-12.
“Column transfers, new buildings, and textual strategies: Christian and Muslims in early medieval Lydda and Jerusalem”, Religiographies 1 (2022) (special issue edited by Dionigi Albera, Manoel Penicaud and Sara Kuehn), pp. 22–33.
“The Conversion of urban landscape in early medieval Syria”, in Piero Gilento (ed.), Building between Eastern and Western Mediterranean lands. Construction processes and transmission of knowledge from late Antiquity to early Islam, Leiden: Brill, 2022, pp. 159–170.
“Churches and mosques: aesthetics and transfer of marble in early Islam”, in Dario Gamboni, Gerhard Wolf and Jessica N. Richardson (eds.), The aesthetics of marble, from late Antiquity to the present, München: Hirmer Verlag, 2021, pp. 62–75.
“The Muslim place of worship in Bethlehem during the early medieval period”, in Lorenz Korn and Çiğdem İvren (eds.), Encompassing the sacred in Islamic art, Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2020, pp. 63–77.
In the shadow of the church: the building of mosques in early medieval Syria, Leiden: Brill, 2017."
Syria; South Caucasus
Feldman, Jackie
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Areas of Interest
Contemporary Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Tourism of Holocaust and Genocide sites, Sacred places and political conflict, Shared sacred spaces, Pilgrimage to the Second Temple
Contemporary Israel/Palestine, Holocaust sites in Poland, Holocaust museums
Katic, Mario
University of Zadar, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology
Areas of Interest
Pilgrimage, heritage, oral tradition, historical anthropology.
Hayden, Robert ; Katić, Mario. The Fluid Dynamics of Viscous Identities: Sedimentations of Time in Five Late-Ottoman Refugee Towns in Bosnia since 1863 // Slavonic and east european review, 101 (2023), 1; 114-150.
Katić, Mario. Madonna of the Reef in Perast and the Fašinada Custom: Relational and Representational Perspectives on a Maritime Pilgrimage // Religions, 14 (2023), 4; 1-13.
Hayden, Robert ; Katić, Mario. Religiously Nationalizing the Landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina // Transforming Heritage in the Former Yugoslavia: Synchronous Pasts / Bădescu, Gruia ; Baillie, Britt ; Mazzucchelli, Francesco (ur.). London : Delhi: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. str. 215-245
Katić, Mario and John Eade. Approaching Pilgrimage: Methodological Issues Involved in Researching Routes, Sites, and Practices / London and New York: Routledge Francis & Taylor Group, 2023
Eade, John and Mario Katic. Military Pilgrimage and Battlefield Tourism: Commemorating the Dead. London : New York (NY): Routledge, 2017
Katić, Mario ; Klarin, Tomislav ; McDonald, Mike. Pilgrimage and Tourism in Southeast Europe // Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in Southeast Europe: History, Religious Tourism and Contemporary Trends. Berlin : Munster : Beč : Zurich : London: LIT Verlag, 2014.
Eade, John and Mario Katić. Pilgrimage, Politics and Place-Making in Eastern Europe: Crossing the Borders. Farnham : Burlington (VT): Ashgate Publishing, 2014.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Ireland.
Farra Haddad, Nour
Lebanese University
Areas of Interest
Pilgrimages, rituals, saints, religious tourism, Islam, Christianity, Lebanon, Holy land
Lebanon, Syria, Middle East, Mediterranean area, Beirut, North Lebanon, South Lebanon, Bekaa Valley, Mount Lebanon
Facebook & Instagram: Nour Farra Haddad
Kedar, Benjamin
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Areas of Interest
Comparative and world history; Crusades; The use of series of aerial photographs as a historical sources
Holy Men in a Holy Land: Christian, Muslim and Jewish Religiosity in the Near East at the Time of the Crusades. Hayes Robinson Lecture Series, 9. Royal Holloway, University of London, 2005. 24 pp.
Ed., with Oleg Grabar, Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem's Sacred Esplanade. Jerusalem and Austin, Texas, 2009. 411 pp.
Rival Conceptualizations of a Single Space: Jerusalem's Sacred Esplanade. Nehru Memorial and Museum Library, Occasional Papers, NS 62. New Delhi, 2014. 27 pp.
“Convergences of Oriental Christian, Muslim and Frankish Worshippers: The Case of Saydnaya and the Knights Templar,” in The Crusades and the Military Orders. Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity, ed. Z. Hunyadi and J. Laszlovszky (Budapest, 2001), 89-100.
"Studying the 'Shared Sacred Spaces' of the Medieval Levant: Where Historians May Meet Anthropologists," Al-Masāq 34 (2022), 111 -126.
Eade, John
University of Roehampton, London
Areas of Interest
Pilgrimage, global migration and urban ethnicity
(2024) ‘Football Disasters and Pilgrimage: Commemoration through Religious and Non-Religious Ritual and Materiality’, Religions 15: 518.
(2023) ‘Mobility, space and agency: pilgrimage by humans and others’, Qualitative Market Research 26 (2): 68-75.
(2023) with T. Sepp ‘Developing New Routes across Northern Europe: Walking in England and the Baltic States’, in D. Olsen, D. Munro and I. McIntosh (eds), New Pilgrimage Routes and Trails:2, Oxford: Peter Lang ISBN-10: 1800790791; ISBN-13: 978-1800790797, pp. 87-107.
(2023) ‘The Method of Participant Observation, Communication and Changing Pilgrimage Practices’, in M. Katic and J. Eade (eds), Approaching Pilgrimage, New York and London: Routledge.
(2023) with T. Sepp and A. Misāne: ‘Encountering saints through movement, materiality and places’, in Re-storied Sites and Routes: Place-lore, Pilgrimage and the Making of Place, Tartu.
(2022) with N. Stadler: ’An introduction to pilgrimage, animism, and agency: putting humans in their place, Religion, State & Society, 50 (2): 137-146, DOI: 10.1080/09637494.2022.
(2022) with M. Katic: ‘The mediators: volunteers as the missing voice in pilgrimage studies’, HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 12 (2): 580-93.
(2022) ‘Sacralising the Landscape: Water and the Development of a Pilgrimage Shrine’. In J. Bielo and A. Ron (eds), Landscapes of Christianity: Destination, Temporality, Transformation, London, UK: Bloomsbury. ISBN 13: 978-1350062894; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24527.51361
(2020) ‘The Invention of Sacred Places and Rituals: A Comparative Study of Pilgrimage,’ Religions 11 (12): 649.
M. Katic and J. Eade (eds) (2023) Approaching Pilgrimage, New York and Abingdon: Routledge.
S. Coleman and J. Eade (eds) (2018) Pilgrimage and Political Economy, Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 978-1-78533-942-4.
(2020) ‘Moving, crossing, and dwelling: Christianity and place pilgrimage’ in V. Narayanan (ed.), The Blackwell Wiley Companion to Religion and Materiality, Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 381-414. ISBN 13: 978-1118660065.
Heyberger, Bernard
EHESS, Paris
Les chrétiens du Proche-Orient au temps de la Réforme catholique, Rome, Ecole Française de Rome, « Classiques » 2nd Edition, 2014.
Pratiques religieuses et lieux de culte partagés entre islam et christianisme (autour de la Méditerranée) », Archives des Sciences Sociales des Religions, 2010, p. 273 - 283.
Middle East, Ottoman Empire, christian-muslim relations
Mavrommatis, Giorgos
Associate professor on Minority and Intercultural Education, Faculty of Education Sciences, Democritus University, of Thrace, Greece
Areas of Interest
Politics of Religion
Tsibiridou & G. Mavrommatis, «Challenging the Bektashi tradition in the Greek Thrace: Anthropological and historical encounters», in Tsimbiridou, F. & Palantzas N. (eds.), Myths of the other in the Balkans: Representations, Social Practices, Performances, pbs. (e-book), ISBN: 978-960-8096-05-9, Thessaloniki 2013, pp 144-160
Mavrommatis, G., 2008, «Bektashis in 20th century Greece», Turcica, 40, 2008, pp 219-251
«Περί των Μπεκτασί δερβίσηδων ή αναζητώντας προϋποθέσεις για μια διαφορετική ανάγνωση του Ισλάμ στα Βαλκάνια» στο Τσιμπιρίδου, Φωτεινή & Σταματόπουλος, Δ. (επιμ.) Πέρα από τον Οριενταλισμό: Από τα Οθωμανικά Βαλκάνια στη σύγχρονη Μέση Ανατολή, εκδ. Κριτική, Αθήνα 2008, σσ. 161-194
«Iσλάμ, μουσική και ίαση» στο Επτά Ημέρες – Καθημερινή, 1/2/2004, σσ.12 – 13.
Thrace - Greece, 20th century
Pénicaud, Manoël
Omenetto, Silvia
CNRS, IDEAS, Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest
Shared sacred spaces, Pilgrimages, Cult of Saints, Interreligious dialogue, Multimodal Anthropology, Exhibitions
Pénicaud, “L’expographie est une hétérographie. Négociations, enjeux et écarts d’écriture” , AntiAltals Journal, 6, 2024
Boivin & Pénicaud (eds.), Inter-religious Practices and Saint Veneration in the Muslim World. Khidr/Khizr from the Middle East to South Asia, Routledge, 2023
Albera, Khuen & Pénicaud (eds.), Religiographies. Special Issue: Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division, 1, 1, 2022
Albera, & Pénicaud, “A Paradoxical Pilgrimage. The Ghriba Synagogue in Djerba” , Religiographies, 1, 1, 2022, 96-116
Pénicaud, Louis Massignon. Le “catholique musulman”, Bayard, 2020
Fliche & Pénicaud, “Votive Exopraxis. Muslim Pilgrims at a Christian Orthodox Monastery (Büyükada, Istanbul)”, Common Knowledge, Symposium: Xenophilia, Part 6, Duke University Press, 26:2, 2020, 261-275
Albera, Barkey & Pénicaud (eds.), Shared Sacred Sites, The New York Public Library, The City University of New York, The Morgan Library & Museum, 2018
Albera, Barkey, Karavatos, Misirloglou, Papadopoulos & Pénicaud (eds.), Shared Sacred Sites in the Balkans and the Mediterranean, Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018
Pénicaud, Le réveil des Sept Dormants. Un pèlerinage islamo-chrétien en Bretagne, Cerf, 2016
Albera, Marquette & Pénicaud (eds), Lieux saints partagés, Actes Sud-Mucem, 2015
Mediterranean, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Middle East
PhD, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of History, Anthropology, Religions, Art History, Media and Performing Arts
Areas of Interest
The materiality of religions in urban space, architectures for worship and death, architectures of religious sharing, Sikhism in Italy and Europe, and the use of GIS technology in the study of religions.
2023, OMENETTO S. (con G. Tateo), TESEO: alcune considerazioni in itinere sulla progettazione di spazi multi-religiosi a Trento e provincia, Annali di Studi religiosi, 24, pp. 165-174. DOI Number: 10.14598/Annali_studi_relig_24202316
2023, OMENETTO S., I luoghi di culto e di sepoltura alla prova dell’interculturalità. Il caso italiano. Protestantesimo, 78, pp. 301-315.
Maqsood, Ammara
University College London
Areas of Interest
Muslim-Hindu relations in Pakistan, difference in non-liberal contexts, intimate life, inter-religious friendships, emotions and difference
"2020. Crossing Ethnographic and Religious Boundaries: The Case for Comparative Reflection. Social Anthropology 28(2), 386-401. (with L. Fesenmyer and G. Liberatore).
2023. The Work of Time: Personhood, Agency and Negotiation of Religious Difference in Pakistan. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 30(1)."
Karachi, (2019 - ): my ongoing work explores interactions between young Hindu migrants from smaller towns and villages in Sindh with Muslims in educational and professional settings, as well as their friendships and relationships.
Kuehn, Sara
Department of Islamic-Theological Studies, University of Vienna
Areas of Interest
Sufism; religious pluralism; shared sites, beliefs, and rituals between Muslims and non-Muslims in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Eastern Europe (especially the shared shrines of Sari Saltuk)
Kuehn, Sara, “Multiplication, Translocation, and Adaptation: Sarı Saltuq’s Multiple Embodied Localities throughout Eastern Europe,” Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond, eds. A. Görke and M. Guidetti (Leiden 2024) , 221–256
Kuehn, Sara, “Entangled Ambiguities: Sarı Saltuk, St. George and the Dragon in Eastern Europe,” Entangled Sufism in (Post-)Ottoman Europe: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches, eds. C. Kara, E. Reuter, and Z. Turóczy (London, forthcoming)
Kuehn, Sara, “Cyclical Time, Nature Spirits, and Translation Activities: The Transreligious Role of the Meeting of Khiḍr and Ilyās in the Balkans,” Inter-religious Practices and Saint Veneration in the Muslim World. Khidr/Khizr from the Middle East to South Asia, eds M. Boivin and M. Pénicaud (New York and London 2023), 163–191
Kuehn, Sara, Albera, Dionigi, and Pénicaud, Manoël, eds. Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division, Special Issue of Religiographies 1/1 (2022)
Kuehn, Sara, Albera, Dionigi, and Pénicaud, Manoël, “Introduction: Religious Sharing, Mixing, and Crossing in the Wider Mediterranean,” Religiographies 1/1: Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division, guest editors D. Albera, S. Kuehn and M. Pénicaud (2022), 14–21
Kuehn, Sara, “Mixed Worship: The Double Cult of Sarı Saltuk and St. Nicholas in the Balkans,” Religiographies 1/1: Holy Sites in the Mediterranean, Sharing and Division, guest editors D. Albera, S. Kuehn and M. Pénicaud (2022), 63–81
Kuehn, Sara, “A Saint ‘on the Move’: Traces in the Evolution of a Landscape of Religious Memory in the Balkans,” Saintly Spheres and Islamic Landscapes: Emplacements of Spiritual Power across Time and Place, eds. D. Ephrat, E.S. Wolper, P.G. Pinto (Leiden 2020), 117–148
Leder, Stefan, Kuehn, Sara and Pökel, Hans-Peter, eds. The Intermediate Worlds of Angels. Islamic Representations of Celestial Beings in Transcultural Contexts, Beiruter Texte und Studien (BTS) (Würzburg 2019)
Kuehn, Sara, Monsters or Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of an Ancient Western Asian Symbolism. With a Foreword by Lokesh Chandra (New Delhi 2016)
Kuehn, Sara, “The Dragon Fighter: The Influence of Zoroastrian Ideas on Judaeo-Christian and Islamic Iconography,” ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 26, 1 and 2: Zoroastrianism in the Levant (Leuven 2014), 65–101
Kuehn, Sara, The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art. With a Foreword by Robert Hillenbrand (Leiden 2011)
Albania, Kruja region, Saranda (Tekke Dede Reshat Bardhi); Kosovo (Mt. Pashtrik); Macedonia (Sveti Naum Monastery); Dobruja (Romania/Bulgaria) Babadag, Kiligra; Bosnia and Herzegovina (Blagaj); Ajmer (Ajmer Sharif Shrine); Bangladesh, Chittagong (Bayazid Bistami Shrine), Bagerhat (Khan Jahan Ali Shrine), Sylhet (Shah Jalal Shrine); Pakistan, Karachi (Manghopir Shrine)
Tsourous, George
Visiting Research Fellow, Newcastle University
Areas of Interest
Inter-communal, inter-religious relations, anthropology of religion, inter-Christian relations, Christian-Muslim relations, Christianity in the Middle East, Israel/Palestine
Tsourous, G. (2023). Sharing St. George Al-Khader: Choreographies and inter-religious dialogue in Palestine. In M. Boivin & M. Pénicaud (Eds.), Interreligious practices and saint veneration in the Muslim world: Khidr/Khizr from the Middle East to South Asia (pp. 192-208). Routledge.
Davis & Tsourous (2021) Defeating Minority Exclusion and Unlocking Potential: Christianity in the Holy Land, Research Report, International Community of the Holy Sepulchre & University of Birmingham
Tsourous, G. (2018) ‘Between the Nations: The Sepulchre in Intercommunal and International Dynamics’ in Suleiman A. Mourad and Bedross Der Matossian’s (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Jerusalem, Routledge: MA
Tsourous, G. (2015). ‘Border Crossing and Symbiotic Relationships between Christians in Jerusalem’. Bulletin for the Council for British Research in the Levant, 10(1): 37–41, doi:10.1179/1752726015Z.00000000030
Old City Jerusalem, Al Khader, West Bank, St Catherine's Monastery, Sinai Egypt
Tsibiridou, Fotini
University of Macedonia
Areas of Interest
Anthropology of religion, critical ethnography, gender and decoloniality in the post-ottoman worlds (Balkan countries, Greece, Turkey, the Middle Easten countries)
Tsibiridou, Fotini (2000) Les Pomak dans la Thrace grecque. Discours ethnique et pratiques socioculturelles, Paris: L'Harmattan.
Tsibiridou, Fotini & Palantzas, Nikitas (eds) (2013), Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, Social Practices, Performances. “Introduction: The Balkans Narrate: The Myths, Histories and Texts” pp.6-16) Thessaloniki: (eBook ISBN 978-960-8096-05-9)
Papers and Chapters
Tsibiridou, Fotini (2004), “Muslim experience of ‘fear and shame’: The case of the Pomaks in Greece” (pp. 345-361), in D. Shankland (ed), Archeology, Anthropology, and Heritage in the Balkans and Anatolia, or The life and Times of F.W. Hasluck (1878-1920), Istanbul, The Isis press.
Tsibiridou, Fotini (2007),“’Silence’ as an idiom of marginality among Greek Pomaks” (pp. 49-73), in K. Steinke, C. Voss (eds), The Pomaks in Greece and Bulgaria. A model case for borderland minorities in the Balkans, Verlag Otto Sangher-Munchen.
Tsibiridou, Fotini & Giorgos, Mavrommatis (2013), “Challenging the Bektashi tradition in the Greek Thrace: Anthropological and historical encounters” (pp.144-160), in F. Tsibiridou & N. Palantzas (eds) Myths of the Other in the Balkans. Representations, Social Practices, Performances. Thessaloniki: eBook ISBN: 978-960-8096-05-9
Tsibiridou, Fotini (2014),“State culture and Ibadhi tradition in the Sultanate of Oman” (pp. 189-210), in Angeliki Ziaka (Ed.), On Ibadism. OLMS, Decembre
Tsibiridou, Fotini (2015), «Beyond the politics of religion: Rationalizing Popular Islam among the Slavonic-Speaking Muslims in Greece” (pp. 209-228), in Balkan Heritages. Negotiating History and Culture, edited by Maria Couroucli and Tchavdar Marinov. Surrey: Asghate. DOI: 10.4324/9781315562872-10
Walking up in Chilia ( as anthropological advisor to the director P. Paρadopoulos)
Northern Greece, Pomak region in Thrace, Istanbul, Middle East
Trouillet, Pierre-Yves
Research fellow at CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), "Passages" Research Centre (University of Bordeaux)
Areas of Interest
Hinduism and Hindus, Religious construction of space and place, Religious boundaries and mobilities, Shared shrines, Religion and migration, Migrant priests, Religious transnationalisation, Religious authority
South India (Tamil Nadu) and countries within Indian immigration (Mauritius, Canada, France)
S. Sihra, Jusmeet
British Academy International Fellow, University of Cambridge
Areas of Interest
Sociology of Religion, Urban Sociology, Urban Religiosity, Segregation, Caste, South Asia
The Shared and the Unshared at Ajmer Dargah Sharif. In Christophe Jaffrelot, Aminah Mohammad-Arif, Laurent Gayer and Grégoire Schlemmer (Eds.), The Indian Subcontinent’s Shared Sacred Sites. Hurst Publishers: London. (Forthcoming)
Ajmer (Dargah Sharif and Taragarh), Kartarpur (Gurudwara Darbar Saheb)
Stadler, Nurit
The Hebrew University
Areas of Interest
Anthropology of religion, rituals, sacred places, iconography, the virgin mary, pilgrimage
Stadler, Nurit. 2020. Voices of the Ritual: Devotion to Female Saints and Shrines in the Holy Land. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Eade, John and Stadler, Nurit. (Eds.). 2022. Special issue on Pilgrimage, Animism and Nature. Religion, State and Society, Vol. 50, Issue 2.
Stadler, Nurit. 2019. The Cult of Mary in the Eastern Mediterranean. Edited by Chris Maudner. The Oxford Handbook of Mary. pp. 2013-230 Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stadler, Nurit, 2011, ""Between Scripturalism and Performance: Cohesion and Conflict in the Celebration of the Theotokos in Jerusalem"", Religion 41 (4): 645-664.
Stadler, Nurit, 2015. Appropriating Jerusalem’s Disputed Lands through Sacred Spaces: Female Rituals at the Tombs of Mary and Rachel. Anthropological Quarterly. 88: (3):725-758.
Stadler, Nurit, 2015. Land, fertility rites and the veneration of female saints: Exploring body rituals at the Tomb of Mary in Jerusalem. Anthropological Theory 15(3):293-316.
Middle East, Europe, India
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