Here you will find news media related to shared sacred sites around the world.
In Lakhnawi Tradition, Communal Harmony in Places of Worship Leaves No Space for Hatred
The history of Lucknow's culture is replete with stories of harmony between Hindus and Muslims. Temples were either built or maintained by Muslim rulers. Some mosques were raised by Hindus.
L'École française de Rome ospita la mostra fotografica: “Luoghi Sacri Condivisi"
L’esposizione propone al visitatore un viaggio di esplorazione del Mediterraneo che tocca diversi spazi di culto. Si tratta di una versione più piccola rispetto all’originale accolta negli anni precedenti da alcuni dei più importanti musei mondiali. Dionigi Albera, uno dei curatori: ci piacerebbe portarne nella capitale la versione più ampia durante il Giubileo del 2025
Mediterranean Shared Sacred Sites open to public in Rome
ROMA, 06 DIC - The Shared Sacred Sites exhibition is a sort of pilgrimage via photos, videos and informational panels around a plural Mediterranean, passing from one sacred site to another.
The exhibition is free for all and open starting Tuesday until January 19 at the École Française de Rome, Piazza Navona 62.
The Greek Orthodox Church Where People From All Faiths Make a Wish
Panagia Vefa is a Greek Orthodox church in Istanbul when on the first day of each month people of all faiths go to make a wish.
Hundreds of Istanbul residents and visitors from other places flock to the church in the Vefa neighborhood with the hope that the wish they make there will come true.
Interfaith Living Learning Community prepares to welcome first residents in fall
Starting in the fall, students will have the opportunity to reside in a Living Learning Community centered around an interfaith community.
The University Religious Conference Interfaith Student Chaplains at UCLA – an inter-religious group of students working to promote interfaith relations and events – worked to create the Interfaith LLC, said Abigail Johnson, the interim assistant director of academics and first-year experience for UCLA Residential Life. She said the LLC will occupy the third floor of De Neve Acacia, housing just under 40 students.
In a German City with 30 Jews, a Restored Art Deco Synagogue will House Interfaith Efforts
For years after World War II, the once magnificent Goerlitz Synagogue in Germany housed a family with goats and pigs. The roof of the Art Deco building was crumbling; the government came close to demolishing the whole structure.
But this week, that very synagogue — the only one in the state of Saxony to survive the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938 — was rededicated as a house of worship and space for interfaith gatherings after some 30 years of renovation and restoration.
'Shared Sacred Sites' exhibition in Ankara now open
The “Shared Sacred Sites” project explores a diverse range of locations in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Balkans where the three Abrahamic religions have coexisted. As they have done for centuries, Jews, Christians and Muslims sometimes pray in shrines of another religion. These shared sacred sites are a well-established phenomenon in these regions and reveal the porosity of the boundaries that exist between the different religious communities.
“The Myth of Coexistence in Israel”
Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Israel and plans to visit the West Bank in an attempt to bolster Friday’s cease-fire, which halted Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza and Hamas’s rocket attacks on Israel. On Tuesday, Mr. Blinken spoke in Jerusalem about his intention to “rally international support” to aid Gaza and rebuild what was destroyed.
Despite the cease-fire, protests by Palestinians in Jerusalem and elsewhere have continued, the Israeli police have arrested scores of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and Israeli settlers have persisted in their provocations.
“Israel Is Bleeding From Within. Restoring the Peace Shouldn't Mean a Return to the Way We Lived Before”
Around 8:30 pm, Tuesday, May 11. The first missile attack from Gaza to Tel Aviv began. The teen patients at the Geha Mental Health Hospital (where I work as a clinical psychologist) were just getting ready to bed, when the alarms started. For most of them this came as a complete surprise. They knew nothing about the clashes between Israeli police and Muslim protestors in East Jerusalem.