“Ankara to host interfaith dialogue expo as Hagia Sophia controversy heats up”

People visit Hagia Sophia in Istanbul on July 26, 2020, during the first Muslim prayers since the controversial reconversion of the iconic Istanbul cathedral into a mosque  Photo by YASIN AKGUL/AFP via Getty Images.

People visit Hagia Sophia in Istanbul on July 26, 2020, during the first Muslim prayers since the controversial reconversion of the iconic Istanbul cathedral into a mosque  Photo by YASIN AKGUL/AFP via Getty Images.

By: Matt A. Hanson

The Turkish capital’s only contemporary museum is slated to host an exhibition that highlights interfaith dialogue amid controversy over Hagia Sophia's conversion.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/08/turkey-exhibition-on-dialogue-osman-kavala-hagia-sophia.html#ixzz6Um7tma9y


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