Christianity and Judaism in the Language of Islam: A Conference on the Bible in Arabic and Cognate Fields
Preliminary Program (29 March – 1 April, 2016)
The conference is hosted by the Department of Linguistics and Philology at Uppsala University and organized in cooperation with the DFG-funded Biblia Arabica project located at Tel Aviv University and at Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. The aim of the conference is to foster an interest in Arabic Bible texts and cognate fields. Both senior scholars and PhD students will present their topics during the conference. The primary object of study is the processes of translation, reception, and transmission of Arabic Bible texts among Jews and Christians and the use of these texts by Muslim intellectuals. Papers on non-biblical texts composed in Arabic by Jews and Christians, on translation techniques, as well as on the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in the Near East and in Byzantium will also be presented.