Toleration in Comparative Perspective Conference (January 19 - 23, 2021)

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The Center for Democracy, Toleration and Religion is pleased to work in conjunction with Reset Dialogues on Civilizations to host the conference “Toleration in Comparative Perspective: Concepts, Practices, Documents” from January 19-23, 2021, over Zoom. The conference gathers scholars to talk about the ways in which religious toleration has been articulated and practiced in places and periods outside of modern “Western” history. Each day will feature a thematic panel — on spaces, philosophy, law, political theory and textual interpretation — that brings together speakers from across fields and disciplines. The conference will begin with a keynote address by Professor Denis Lacorne, of Sciences Po.

Register here to join.

Conference Schedule

Tuesday, January 19 

Introduction and Welcome: Karen Barkey and Jonathan Laurence (9:30-9:45am PST // 12:30-12:45pm EST)

Keynote Address: Denis Lacorne (Sciences Po) (9:50-10:50am PST // 12:50-1:50pm EST) 

Panel: Thinking Toleration (11am -1pm PST // 2pm -4pm EST)

Souleymane Bachir Diagne (Columbia University)
Fabio Rambelli (UC Santa Barbara)
Sam Berrin Shonkoff (Graduate Theological Union)
Commenter: Jonathan Laurence (Boston College)

Wednesday, January 20 

Panel: Minorities, Pluralism, Law (11am -1pm PST // 2pm -4pm EST)

Lev Weitz (Catholic University of America)
Jonathan Laurence (Boston College)
Eugenio Menegon (Boston University)  
José Casanova (Georgetown University)
Commenter: Karen Barkey (UC Berkeley)

Thursday, January 21 

Panel: Sacred Space and Tolerance (11am -1pm PST // 2pm -4pm EST)

Charlotte Fonrobert (Stanford University)
Francesco Spagnolo (UC Berkeley)
Elaine M. Fisher (Stanford University)
Alberto Melloni (University of Modena-Reggio)
Commenter: Anna Elizabeta Galeotti (University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli)

Friday, January 22 

Panel: Politics, Political Theory and Toleration (11am -1pm PST // 2pm -4pm EST)

Susanna Elm (UC Berkeley)
Sudipta Kaviraj (Columbia University) 
Rajeev Bhargava (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, New Delhi)
Noah Dauber (Colgate University) 
Commenter: Simon Brown (UC Berkeley)

Saturday, January 23 

Panel: Text, Translation, Interpretation (11am -1pm PST // 2pm -4pm EST)

Robert Alter (UC Berkeley)
Hamza Zafer (University of Washington) 
William Bulman (Lehigh University) 
Commenter: David Marno (UC Berkeley) 

Roundtable on Book (1:30pm PST – 2pm PST // 4:30pm EST – 5pm EST) *Not open to public*

For more information, please visit the Center for Democracy, Toleration and Religion’s website here.

Presented by the Center for Democracy, Toleration and Religion and Reset Dialogues on Civilizations, and co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion, the Social Science Matrix, and the Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley.


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