National Museum of Immigration History in Paris (2017)
In parallel of other versions, a new version held under the patronage of UNESCO was developed in a national museum in Paris. Featured in a space of 600 m2, the exhibition presented numerous new cases of shared holy places and place of worship in Europe and in the Mediterranean
Video Visit by the Curators
Find the press release here.
The press kit is available here.
The catalogue (Actes Sud) can be downloaded here.
Press Selection:
France 24 (TV), November 18, 2017
France 2: Télématin, “Lieux trois fois saints” (October 25, 2017)
Le Temps: “Une exposition pour célébrer l’amour de l’Autre” (December 23, 2017)
Télérama: “Ces lieux saints où juifs, chrétiens et musulmans vivent en harmonie,” par Lorraine Rossignol (December 19, 2017)
Le Monde.fr: “Franchir les frontières religieuses” (October 31, 2017)
The educational booklet (in French) can be downloaded here.
The Kids Booklet MNHI 2017 can be downloaded here.