Publications - Benjamin Z. Kedar
1. October 1973: The Story of an Armored Battalion. Tammuz: Tel Aviv, 1975. 143 pp. [in Hebrew].
2. Merchants in Crisis: Genoese and Venetian Men of Affairs and the Fourteenth-Century Depression. Yale University Press: New Haven and London, 1976. 260 pp.
3. Ed.: Jerusalem in the Middle Ages. Selected Papers. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem, 1979. 400 pp. [in Hebrew].
4. Mercanti in crisi a Genova e Venezia nel '300. Jouvence: Rome, 1981. 353 pp. (Updated Italian translation of No. 2).
5. Ed., with H.E. Mayer & R.C. Smail: Outremer. Studies in the History of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem presented to Joshua Prawer. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem, 1982. 346 pp.
6. Crusade and Mission: European Approaches toward the Muslims. Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1984. 246 pp.Paperback edition 1988. Princeton Legacy Library edition 2014.
7. Ed., with Gabriella Airaldi: I comuni italiani nel Regno Crociato di Gerusalemme. Atti del colloquio di Gerusalemme, 24-28 maggio 1984. Collana storica di fonti e studi diretta da Geo Pistarino, 48. Genoa, 1986. 695 pp.
8. Ed.: E. Ashtor, East-West Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean. Variorum: London, 1986. 344 pp.
9. Ed.: The Crusaders in their Kingdom, 1099-1291. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem, 1987. 283 pp. [in Hebrew].
10. Ed., with A.L. Udovitch: The Medieval Levant. Studies in Memory of Eliyahu Ashtor (1914-1984) = Asian and African Studies 22 (1988), 1-291.
11. Ed., with Trude Dothan and S. Safrai: Commerce in Palestine throughout the Ages. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem, 1990. 337 pp. [in Hebrew].
12. Crociata e missione. L'Europa incontro all'Islam. Jouvence: Rome, 1991. 302 pp.
(Italian translation of No. 6).
13. Looking Twice at the Land of Israel. Aerial Photographs of 1917-1918 and 1987-91. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and Israel Ministry of Defense: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1991. 239 pp. [in Hebrew].
14. Ed.: E. Ashtor, Technology, Industry and Trade. The Levant versus Europe, 1250-1500. Variorum: London, 1992. 331 pp.
15. Ed.: The Horns of Hattin. Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades, Jerusalem and Haifa, 2-6 July 1987. Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and Variorum: Jerusalem and Aldershot, 1992. 368 pp.
16. The Franks in the Levant, 11th to 14th Centuries. Variorum: Aldershot, 1993. 322 pp.
17. Ed.: Studies in the History of Popular Culture. Shazar Center for Jewish History: Jerusalem, 1996. 444 pp. [in Hebrew].
18. Ed., with M. Maoz: The Palestinian National Movement: From Confrontation to Reconciliation? Israel Ministry of Defense: Tel Aviv, 1996. 423 pp. [in Hebrew].
19. Ed., with J. Riley-Smith and R. Hiestand: Montjoie: Studies in Crusade History in Honour of Hans Eberhard Mayer. Variorum: Aldershot, 1997. xx + 276 pp.
20. Ed., with R.J.Z. Werblowsky: Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land. Studies in Memory of Joshua Prawer. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and Macmillan: Jerusalem and London, 1998. 348 pp.
21. The Changing Land between the Jordan and the Sea: Aerial photographs from 1917 to the Present. Yad Ben-Zvi and Israel Ministry of Defense: Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1999. 208 pp. (Revised English version of No. 13).
22. Ed., with A. Danin: Remote Sensing: The Use of Aerial Photographs and Satellite Images in Israel Studies. Yad Ben-Zvi: Jerusalem 2000. 260 pp. [in Hebrew].
23. Ed., with M. Balard and J. Riley-Smith: Dei gesta per Francos. Etudes sur les croisades dédiées à Jean Richard. Ashgate: Aldershot, 2001. 434 pp.
24. Ed., with J. Riley-Smith: Crusades 1 (2002), 2 (2003), 3 (2004), 4 (2005), 5 (2006), 6 (2007),
7 (2008), 8 (2009), 9 (2010), 10 (2011), 11 (2012), 12 (2013), 13 (2014), 14 (2015), 15 (2016), 16 (2017), 17 (2018) --
25. Holy Men in a Holy Land: Christian, Muslim and Jewish Religiosity in the Near East at the Time of the Crusades. Hayes Robinson Lecture Series, 9. Royal Holloway, University of London, 2005. 24 pp.
26. Ed., with A. Kadish, The Few Against The Many? Studies on the Balance of Forces in the Battles of Judas Maccabaeus and Israel's War of Independence. Jerusalem, 2005. 227 pp. [in Hebrew].
27. Apocrypha: Writings on Current Affairs, 1954-2004. Modi`in, 2006. 228 pp. (in Hebrew, English and German).
28. Ed., with Nicolas Faucherre and Jean Mesqui, L'architecture en Terre sainte au temps de Saint Louis = Bulletin Monumental 146 (2006), 3-120.
29. Franks, Muslims and Oriental Christians in the Latin Levant: Studies in Frontier Acculturation. Aldershot: Ashgate 2006. 228 pp.
30. Historical Research in Israel's Universities. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Jerusalem, 2007.
31. Ed., with Oleg Grabar, Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem's Sacred Esplanade. Jerusalem and Austin, Texas, 2009. 411 pp.
32. Ed., Explorations in Comparative History. Jerusalem, 2009. 242 pp.
33. Ed., with Joseph R. Hacker and Yosef Kaplan, From Sages to Savants. Studies Presented to Avraham Grossman. Jerusalem, 2009. 455 pp. [in Hebrew].
34. (with Peter Herde) A Bavarian Historian Reinvents Himself: Karl Bosl and the Third Reich. Jerusalem, 2011. 162 pp.
35. Rival Conceptualizations of a Single Space: Jerusalem's Sacred Esplanade. Nehru Memorial and Museum Library, Occasional Papers, NS 62. New Delhi, 2014. 27 pp.
36. Ed., with Merry Wiesner –Hanks, The Cambridge World History, vol. 5: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 CE - 1500 CE. Cambridge University Press, 2015. 722 pp.
37. Ed., Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy. Jerusalem, 2015. 285 pp. [in Hebrew].
38. (with Peter Herde) Karl Bosl im Dritten Reich. Berlin/ Boston: Walter de Gruyter, and Jerusalem: Magnes, 2016. 226 pp.
39. Crusaders and Franks: Studies in the History of the Crusades ad the Frankish Levant. Variorum, Routledge: London and New York, 2016. 354 pp.
40. Ed., Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Jerusalem, 2017. 324 pp.
41. Ed., with Ilana Friedrich Silber and Adam Klin-Oron, Dynamics of Continuity, Patterns of Change. Between World History and Comparative Historical Sociology. In Memoriam Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Jerusalem, 2017. 290 pp.
42. Ed., with Iris Shagrir and Michel Balard, Communicating the Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of Sophia Menache, Crusades Subsidia 11. Routledge: Abingdon, 2018. 278 pp.
43. Ed., with Sophia Menache and Michel Balard, Crusading and Trading between East and West. Essays in Honour of David Jacoby. Routledge: Abingdon, 2019. 368 pp.
44. Studies in World, Jewish and Local History. Bialik Institute: Jerusalem, 2019. 582 pp. [in Hebrew].
45. With Nurith. A Historian Investigates the Love Story of His Life. Camel: Jerusalem, 2019. 490 pp. [in Hebrew].
46. From Genoa to Jerusalem and Beyond. Studies in Medieval and World History. Padova, 2019. 573 pp.
1. "Noms de saints et mentalité populaire à Gênes au XIVe siècle,” Moyen Age 73 (1967), 431-46.
2. "Again: Arabic rizq, Medieval Latin risicum," Studi Medievali 10/3 (1969), 255-59.
3. "The Jewish Community of Jerusalem in the Thirteenth Century," Tarbiz 41 (1971/72), 82-94 [in Hebrew]
4. "Canon Law and Local Practice: The Case of Mendicant Preaching in Late Medieval England," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 2 (1972), 17-32.
5. "The Passenger List of a Crusader Ship, 1250: Toward the History of the Popular
Element on the Seventh Crusade," Studi Medievali 13/1 (1972), 267-79.
6. "Notes on the History of the Jews of Palestine in the Middle Ages," Tarbiz 42 (1972/73), 401-18 [in Hebrew].
7. "Toponymic Surnames as Evidence of Origin: Some Medieval Views," Viator 4 (1973), 123-29.
8. "The General Tax of 1183 in the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem: Innovation or Adaptation?" English Historical Review 89 (1974), 339-45.
9. (with A. Kaufman:) "Radiocarbon Measurements of Medieval Mortars: A Preliminary Report," Israel Exploration Journal 25 (1975), 36-38.
10. "Notices on the Jews of Palestine in 18th-Century Protestant Sources," Erez-Israel, vol. 12 (Jerusalem, 1975), pp. 203-06 [in Hebrew].
11. "R. Yehiel of Paris and Palestine," Shalem 2 (1976), 307-12 [in Hebrew].
12. "Segurano-Sakran Salvaygo: Un mercante genovese al servizio dei sultani mamalucchi, c. 1303-1322," in Fatti e idee di storia economica nei secoli XII-XX. Studi dedicati a Franco Borlandi (Bologna, 1976), pp. 75-91.
13. (with E. Ashtor:) "Una guerra fra Genova e i Mamlucchi negli anni 1380," Archivio Storico Italiano 133 (1975), 3-44 (appeared in 1977).
14. "The Genoese Notaries of 1382: The Anatomy of an Urban Occupational Group," in The Medieval City. Studies inHonor of Robert S. Lopez, ed. H.A. Miskimin, D. Herlihy and A.L. Udovitch (New Haven and London, 1977), pp. 73-94.
15. "Chi era Andrea Franco?" Atti della Società ligure di Storia Patria 91 (1977), 371-77.
16. (with G.A. Mook:) "Radiocarbon Dating of Mortar from the City-Wall of Ascalon," Israel Exploration Journal 28 (1978), 173-76.
17. "Canon Law and the Burning of the Talmud," Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 9 (1979),79-82.
18. (with S. Schein:) "Un projet de 'passage particulier' proposé par l'ordre de l'Hôpital, 1306-07,” Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Chartes 137 (1979), 211-26.
19. "A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah Ransomed from the Crusaders," in Jerusalem in the Middle Ages: Selected Papers, ed. B.Z. Kedar (Jerusalem, 1979), pp. 107-11 [in Hebrew].
20. "The Jews of Jerusalem, 1187-1267, and the Role of Nahmanides in the Re-Establishment of their Community," in Jerusalem in the Middle Ages, pp. 122-36 [in Hebrew].
21. "Jerusalemite Jews in Genoese Famagusta," in Jerusalem in the Middle Ages, pp. 197- 205 [in Hebrew].
22. "Continuity and Change in Jewish Conversion in 18th-Century Germany," in The Jacob Katz Jubilee Volume(Jerusalem, 1980), pp. 154-70 [in Hebrew].
23. "Ein Hilferuf aus Jerusalem vom September 1187," Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 38 (1982), 112-22.
24. "The Patriarch Eraclius," in Outremer (Jerusalem, 1982), pp. 177-204.
25. "Masada: The Myth and the Complex," The Jerusalem Quarterly 24 (1982), 57-63.
26. (with Chr. Westergård-Nielsen:) "Icelanders in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: A Twelfth-Century Account," Mediaeval Scandinavia 11 (1978-79), 193-211 (appeared in 1983).
27. "Palmarée, abbaye clunisienne du XIIe siècle en Galilée,” Revue Bénédictine 93 (1983), 260-69.
28. "Mercanti genovesi in Alessandria d'Egitto negli anni Sessanta del secolo XI," in Miscellanea di studi storici 2, Collana storica di fonti e studi diretta da Geo Pistarino, 38 (Genoa, 1983), pp. 19-30.
29. "Gerard of Nazareth: A Neglected Twelfth-Century Writer in the Latin East. A Contribution to the Intellectual and Monastic History of the Crusader States," Dumbarton Oaks Papers 37 (1983), 55-77.
30. "Jews and Samaritans in the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem," Tarbiz 53 (1983/84), 387-408 [in Hebrew].
31. "The Arab Conquests and Agriculture: A Seventh-Century Apocalypse, Satellite Imagery, and Palynology," Asian and African Studies 19 (1985), 1-15.
32. "Ecclesiastical Legislation in the Kingdom of Jerusalem: The Statutes of Jaffa (1253) and Acre (1254)," in Crusade and Settlement. Papers read at the First Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Cardiff, September 1983, ed.
P. Edbury (Cardiff, 1985), pp. 225-30.
33. "Muslim Conversion and Canon Law", in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of Medieval Canon Law, Berkeley 1980, ed. S. Kuttner and K. Pennington (Città del Vaticano, 1985), pp. 321-32.
34. (with R.D. Pringle:) "La Fève: A Crusader Castle in the Jezreel Valley,” Israel Exploration Journal 35 (1985), 164-79.
35. "L'Officium Robarie di Genova: un tentativo di coesistere con la violenza," Archivio Storico Italiano 143 (1985), 331-72.
36. "Genoa's Golden Inscription in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher: A Case for the Defence," in I comuni italianinel Regno Crociato di Gerusalemme (Genoa, 1986), pp. 317-35.
37. "Ungarische Muslime in Jerusalem im Jahre 1217," Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 40 (1986), 325-27.
38. "Aerial Israel: A Historian's Infatuation," Ariel 65 (1986), 58-71.
39. "Conversion to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam in the Kingdom of Jerusalem," in The Crusaders in their Kingdom, ed. B.Z. Kedar (Jerusalem, 1987), pp. 93-100 [in Hebrew].
40. "La mentalidad mercantil en una época de depresión," in El mundo mediterráneo de la edad media, ed. B. Garí (Barcelona, 1987), pp. 127-55 [translation of Merchants in Crisis, Ch. 1].
41. (with E. Kohlberg:) "A Melkite Physician in Frankish Jerusalem and Ayyubid Damascus: Muwaffaq al-Din Ya`qub b. Siqlab," Asian and African Studies 22 (1988), 113-26.
42. "A Dangerous Case of Conversion at Khisfin in the Late Sixth Century," in Jews, Samaritans and Christians inByzantine Palestine, ed. D. Jacoby and Y. Tsafrir (Jerusalem, 1988), pp. 238-41 [in Hebrew].
43. "The Frankish Period," in The Samaritans, ed. A.D. Crown (Tübingen, 1989), pp. 82-94.
44. "The Subjected Muslims of the Frankish Levant," in Muslims under Latin Rule, 1100-1300, ed. J. M. Powell (Princeton, 1990), pp. 135-74; reprinted in The Crusades: The Essential Readings, ed. T. F. Madden (Oxford, 2002), pp. 233-64.
45. (with M. al-Hajjuj:) "Muslim Peasants in Frankish Palestine: Family Size and Personal Names," Pe`amim 45 (Autumn 1990), pp. 45-57 [in Hebrew].
46. "Joshua Prawer (1917-1990), Historian of the Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem," Mediterranean Historical Review 5 (1990), 107-16. Hebrew version in: In Memoriam Joshua Prawer, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Jerusalem, 1992), pp. 13-23.
47. "The Battle of Hattin Revisited," in The Horns of Hattin, ed. B.Z. Kedar (Jerusalem and London, 1992), pp. 190-207. (Hebrew version in Cathedra 61 [September 1991], 95-112).
48. (Ed.:) "The Crusading Kingdom of Jerusalem - The First European Colonial Society? A Symposium," in The Horns of Hattin (Jerusalem and London, 1992), pp. 341-66.
49. "De Iudeis et Sarracenis. On the Categorization of Muslims in Medieval Canon Law," in Studia in honorem eminentissimi cardinalis Alphonsi M. Stickler, ed. R. I. Card. Castillo Lara (Rome, 1992), pp. 207-13.
50. "Introduction" to A. Gurevich, The Categories of Medieval Culture, translated into Hebrew by P. Kriksunov (Jerusalem, 1993), pp. 7-8.
51. (with M. al-Hajjuj:) "Muslim Villagers of the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem: Some Demographic and Onomastic Data," in Itinéraires d'Orient. Hommages à Claude Cahen,
ed. E. Curiel and R. Gyselen [=Res Orientales, vol. 6], (Bures-sur-Yvette, 1994), pp. 145-56. [Updated version of No. 45].
52. "Raising Funds for a Frankish Cathedral: The Appeal of Bishop Radulph of Sebaste," in Entrepreneurship and theTransformation of the Economy (10th-20th Centuries). Essays in Honour of Herman Van der Wee, ed. P. Klep and E. van Cauwenberghe (Leuven, 1994), pp. 443-55.
53. "The Arab Conquest and the Settled Land -- The Testimony of a Seventh-Century Apocalypse," in Frontier, Town, and the Transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, ed. M. Toch and D. Mendels (Jerusalem, 1995), pp. 9-21. [Updated Hebrew version of No. 31].
54. (with E. Stern:) “Un nuovo sguardo sul quartiere genovese di Acri,” in Mediterraneo genovese – Storia e architettura. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Genova, 29 ottobre 1992, ed. G. Airaldi and P. Stringa (Genoa, 1995), pp. 11-28.
55. (with E. Stern:) "A Vaulted East-West Street in Acre's Genoese Quarter?" `Atiqot 26 (1995), 105-11.
56. "Latin in Ninth-Century Mar Sabas?" Byzantion 65 (1995), 252-54.
57. "Sobre la génesis de la Fazienda de Ultra Mar,” Anales de Historia Antigua y Medieval 28 (1995), 131-36.
58. "Benvenutus Grapheus of Jerusalem, an Oculist in the Era of the Crusades," Korot. The Israel Journal of the History of Medicine and Science 11 (1995), 14-41.
59. (with E. Kohlberg:) "The Intercultural Career of Theodore of Antioch," in Intercultural Contacts in the Medieval Mediterranean. Studies in Honour of David Jacoby, ed. B. Arbel (Tel Aviv and London, 1996), pp. 164-76 [=Mediterranean Historical Review 10 (1995), 164-76].
60. "The Frankish Period: 'Cain's Mountain,'" in Yoqne`am I: The Late Periods, ed. A. Ben-Tor, M. Avissar and Y. Portugali (Qedem Reports 3; Jerusalem, 1996), pp. 3-7.
61. "Expulsion as an Issue of World History," Journal of World History 7 (1996), 165-80. [Hebrew translation in Alpayyim 11 (1996), 9-22].
62. "Croisade et jihad vus par l'ennemi: une étude des perceptions mutuelles des motivations," in Autour de la Première Croisade. Actes du Colloque de la 'Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East,' Clermont-Ferrand, 22-25 juin 1995, ed. M. Balard (Paris, 1996), pp. 345-55.
63. "A Western Survey of Saladin's Forces at the Siege of Acre," in Montjoie (Aldershot, 1997), pp. 113-22.
64. "Multidirectional Conversion in the Frankish Levant," in Varieties of Religious Conversion in the Middle Ages, ed. J. Muldoon (Gainesville, 1997), pp. 190-99.
65. "Una nuova fonte per l'incursione musulmana del 934-935 e le sue implicazioni per la storia genovese," in Oriente e Occidente fra medioevo ed età moderna: Studi in onore di Geo Pistarino, ed. L. Balletto (Genoa, 1997), pp. 605-16.
66. "Some New Sources on Palestinian Muslims before and during the Crusades," in Die Kreuzfahrerstaaten als multikulturelle Gesellschaft, ed. H.E. Mayer, Schriften des Historischen Kollegs, Kolloquium 37 (Munich, 1997), pp. 129-40.
67. "The Outer Walls of Frankish Acre," `Atiqot 31 (1997), 157-80 [abridged and updated
Hebrew version in Qadmoniot 33 (2000), 13-17].
68. "Laying the Foundation Stones for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 24 July 1918," in The History of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ed. S. Katz and M. Heyd (Jerusalem, 1997), pp. 90-119 [in Hebrew].
69. "L'appel de Clermont vu de Jérusalem," in Le Concile de Clermont de 1095 et l'Appel à la Croisade. Actes du Colloque Universitaire International de Clermont-Ferrand (23-25 juin 1995) )Rome, 1997), pp. 287-94.
70. "Soziologische Geschichtsschreibung: Jakob Katz als Schüler Karl Mannheims," in Jüdischer Almanach 1998/5758 des Leo Baeck Instituts, ed. J. Hessing and A. Bodenheimer (Frankfurt/M, 1997), pp. 79-86.
71. “Benvenuto Grapheo da Gerusalemme - da Salerno – da Montpellier e la sua Ars probatissima oculorum,” in Le vie del Mediterraneo: Idee, uomini, oggetti (secoli XI-XVI), ed. G. Airaldi (Genoa, 1997), pp. 7-22 (Italian version of No. 57).
72. "The Forcible Baptisms of 1096: History and Historiography," in Forschungen zur Reichs-, Papst- und Landesgeschichte. Peter Herde zum 65. Geburtstag von Freunden, Schülern und Kollegen dargebracht, ed. K. Borchardt and E. Bünz, 2 vols. (Stuttgart, 1998), 1:187-200.
73. "Crusade Historians and the Massacres of 1096," Jewish History 12 (1998), 11-31.
74. "Intellectual Activities in a Holy City: Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century," in Sacred Space: Shrine, City, Land, ed. B.Z. Kedar and R.J.Z. Werblowsky (London and Jerusalem, 1998), pp. 127-39.
75. "Latins and Oriental Christians in the Frankish Levant," in Sharing the Sacred: Contacts and Conflicts in the Religious History of the Holy Land. First-Fifteenth Centuries, ed. A. Kofsky and G. Stroumsa (Jerusalem, 1998), pp. 209-22.
76. "The Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre ierosolimitane," in The Crusades and their Sources: Essays presented to Bernard Hamilton, ed. J. France and W. G. Zajac (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 111-33.
77. "A Twelfth-Century Description of the Jerusalem Hospital," in The Military Orders: Welfare and Warfare, ed. H. Nicholson (Aldershot, 1998), pp. 3-26.
78. "Wars as Turning Points in History," in Six Days - Thirty Years. New Perspectives on the Six Day War, ed. A. Susser (Tel Aviv, 1999), pp. 17-28 [in Hebrew].
79. “On the Origins of the Earliest Laws of Frankish Jerusalem: The Canons of Nablus, 1120,” Speculum 74 (1999), 310-35.
80. "On Six Maps and One Aerial Photograph," in Studies in Geography and History in Honour of Yehoshua Ben-Arieh, ed. Y. Ben-Artzi, I. Bartal, E. Reiner (Jerusalem, 1999), pp. 29-45 [in Hebrew].
81. "La Via sancti sepulchri come tramite di cultura araba in Europa," in Itinerari medievali e identità europea. Atti del Congresso internazionale di Parma, 27-28 febbraio 1998, ed. R. Greci (Bologna, 1999), pp. 181-201.
82. “Il motivo della crociata nel pensiero politico israeliano,” in Verso Gerusalemme. II Convegno Internazionale nel IX Centenario della I Crociata (1099-1999). Bari, 11-13 gennaio 1999, ed. F. Cardini, M. Belloli, B. Vetere (Lecce, 1999), pp. 135-50.
85. "The Multilateral Disputation at the Court of the Grand Qan Möngke, 1254," in The Majlis. Interreligious Encounters in Medieval Islam, ed. H. Lazarus-Yafeh, M. Cohen, S. Somekh, S.H. Griffith, Studies in Arabic Language and Literature 4 (Wiesbaden, 1999), pp. 162-83.
84. (with R. Ellenblum:) "The Contribution of Aerial Photography to the Study of the Frankish Period (1099-1291),” in Remote Sensing (Jerusalem, 2000), pp. 167-72 [in Hebrew].
85. "Aerial Photography on the Palestine Front during World War I," in Remote Sensing
(Jerusalem, 2000), pp. 229-35 [in Hebrew].
86. “Reflections on Landscape and History,” in Landscapes of Israel. Azaria Alon Jubilee
Volume, ed. G. Barkay and E. Schiller (Jerusalem, 2000), pp. 33-36 [in Hebrew]. Reprinted in Motar 11 (2004), 5-8.
87. (with N. Kenaan-Kedar:) “The Significance of a Twelfth-Century Sculptural Group: Le Retour du Croisé,” in Dei gesta per Francos (Aldershot, 2001), pp. 29-44.
88. “Eine Luftaufnahme von Schumachers Ausgrabungen in Megiddo,” in Das Erwachen Palästinas im 19. Jahrhundert. Alex Carmel zum 70. Geburtstag, ed. Y. Perry and E. Petry. Judentum und Christentum vol. 9 (Stuttgart, 2001), pp. 13-19.
89. “Convergences of Oriental Christian, Muslim and Frankish Worshippers: The Case of Saydnaya and the Knights Templar,” in The Crusades and the Military Orders. Expanding the Frontiers of Medieval Latin Christianity, ed. Z. Hunyadi and J. Laszlovszky (Budapest, 2001), pp. 89-100.
90. (with M. Levy-Rubin:) “A Spanish Source on Mid-Ninth-Century Mar Saba and a
Neglected Sabaite Martyr,” in The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the
Fifth Century to the Present, ed. J. Patrich, Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta 98 (Leuven,
2001), pp. 63-72.
91. “Farewell Message by the Outgoing President,” in Society for the Study of the Crusades
and the Latin East. Bulletin 21 (2001), 2-3.
92. "Marc Bloch: Between his Life and Research," introduction to the Hebrew translation of Apologie pour l'histoire et Métier d'historien (Jerusalem, 2002), pp. 7-24 [in Hebrew].
93. “The Samaritans under Frankish Rule,” in The Samaritans, ed. E. Stern and H. Eshel
(Jerusalem, 2002), pp. 591-601 [in Hebrew].
94. “A Hebrew Inscription from Gaza in the Cemetery at Rishon le-Zion,” in Studies in the History of Eretz-Israel presented to Yehuda Ben- Porat, ed. Y. Ben-Arieh and E. Reiner (Jerusalem, 2003), pp. 588-98 [in Hebrew].
95. “A Second Incarnation in Frankish Jerusalem,” in The Experience of Crusading, vol. 2: Defining the Crusader Kingdom, ed. Peter Edbury and Jonathan Phillips (Cambridge, 2003), pp. 79-92.
96. “The Crusader Motif in the Israeli Political Discourse,” Alpayyim 26 (2004), 9-40 (in
Hebrew). [Enlarged and updated version of No. 82)].
97. "The Jerusalem Massacre of July 1099 in the Western Historiography of the Crusades," Crusades 3 (2004), 15-75.
98. "Again: Genoa's Golden Inscription and King Baldwin I's Privilege of 1104," in Chemins d'outre-mer: Études sur la Méditerranée offertes à Michel Balard, ed. Damien Coulon, Catherine Otten-Froux, Paule Pagès and Dominique Valérian, 2 vols. ((Paris, 2004), pp. 495-502.
99. "Structural Primordiality or Cumulative Substances -- a Reply to A.B. Yehoshua," Alpayyim 28 (2005), 84-86 [in Hebrew].
100. “Dimensioni comparative del pellegrinaggio medievale,” in Fra Roma e Gerusalemme nel Medioevo. Paesaggi umani ed ambientali del pellegrinaggio meridionale. Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Studi, Salerno - Cava de' Tirreni – Ravello, 26-29 ottobre 2000, ed. Massimo Oldoni, 3 vols. (Salerno, 2005), 1: 255-77.
101. (with Daniella Talmon-Heller) "Did Muslim Survivors of the 1099 Massacre of Jerusalem Settle in Damascus? The True Origins of the al-Salihiyya Suburb," Al-Masaq 17 (2005), 165-69.
102. "The Voyages of Giuàn-Ovadiah in Syria and Iraq and the Enigma of his Conversion," in Giovanni-Ovadiah da Oppido, proselito, viaggiatore e musicista dell'età normanna. Atti del convegno internazionale, Oppido Lucano 28-30 marzo 2004, ed. Antonio De Rosa and Mauro Perani (Florence, 2005), pp. 133-47.
103. "The Fourth Crusade's Second Front," in Urbs Capta: The Fourth Crusade and its Consequences, ed. Angeliki Laiou, Réalités Byzantines 10 (Paris, 2005), pp. 89-110.
104. "Jacob Katz as Karl Mannheim's Disciple," in The Past and Beyond. Studies in History and Philosophy Presented to Elazar Weinryb, ed. A. Horowitz, O. Limor, R. Ben-Shalom and A. Bar-Levav (Ra`anana, 2006), pp. 209-17 (in Hebrew; enlarged version of No. 70).
105. "From Religious to Political Messianism: On the History of the German Templers," in Chronicle of a Utopia—The Templers in the Holy Land, 1868-1948, ed. G. Dolev (Tel Aviv, 2006), pp. 17-36 of the Hebrew part, pp. 10-25 of the English part. [First part of a Hebrew-written seminar paper submitted to Prof. J. Talmon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1965. English translation prepared by editor].
106. "Les murailles d'Acre franque," in L'architecture, pp. 45-52. (updated and abridged version of No. 90).
107. "L'enceinte de la ville franque de Jaffa," in L'architecture, pp. 105-7.
108. "Some Reflections on Maps, Crusading and Logistics," in Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades. Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney, 30 September – 4 October 2002, ed. John H. Pryor (Aldershot, 2006), pp. 159-83.
109. "Nurith Kenaan-Kedar as Joseph Gantner's Disciple," in Pictorial Languages and Their
Meanings. Liber Amicorum in Honor of Nurith Kenaan-Kedar, ed. Christine B. Verzar and
Gil Fishhof (Tel Aviv, 2006), pp. xix-xxvi.
110. (with Reuven Amitai:) "Franks in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1047," in Quel mar che la terra inghirlanda. In ricordo di Marco Tangheroni, ed. Franco Cardini and Maria Luisa Ceccarelli Lemut (Rome, 2007), pp. 465-68.
111. "A Note on Jerusalem's Bimaristan and Jerusalem's Hospital," in The Hospitallers, the Mediterranean and Europe. Festschrift for Anthony Luttrell, ed. Karl Borchardt, Nikolas Jaspert and Helen J. Nicholson (Aldershot, 2007), pp. 7-11.
112. "Religion in Catholic-Muslim Correspondence and Treaties," in Diplomatics in the Eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500, ed. Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani and Christopher D. Schabel (Leiden, 2008), pp. 407-21.
113. "Ramleh during the Crusader Period and at the End of the Ottoman Period—the Evidence of Aerial Photographs," Qadmoniot 41 (2008), 69-74 [in Hebrew].
114. "The Cartographic Background of Rashi's Map of Canaan," in Cartography in Antiquity and in the Middle Ages: Fresh Perspectives, New Methods, ed. Richard Unger and Richard Talbert (Leiden, 2008), pp. 155-68.
115. [with Denys Pringle:] "1099-1187: The Lord's Temple and the Temple of Salomon under Frankish Rule," in Where Heaven and Earth Meet: Jerusalem's Sacred Esplanade (Jerusalem and Austin, TX, 2009), pp. 132-49.
116. "Outlines for Comparative History Proposed by Practicing Historians," in Explorations in Comparative History (Jerusalem, 2009), pp. 1-28.
117. "The Evacuation of the `Iraq al-Manshiya Airfield, 7-9 November 1917," in The Battles in the Coastal Plain and Judean Hills in Palestine in World War I, ed. Ezra Pimentel (Jerusalem, 2009), pp. 81-86 [in Hebrew].
118. "The Historian and Fiction: On Yoram Avi-Tamar's The Life of Josephus – The Secret History," in Man near a Roman Arch. Studies presented to Yoram Tsafrir, ed. Leah Di Segni, Yizhar Hirschfeld, Joseph Patrich and Rina Talgam (Jerusalem, 2009), pp. 9-13 [in Hebrew].
119. (with Hervé Barbé) "Dating the Subterranean Passage at the Patriarchs' Cave, Hebron," in Israel's Land: Papers Presented to Israel Shatzman on his Jubilee, ed. Joseph Geiger, Hannah M. Cotton and Guy D. Stiebel (Raanana, 2009), pp. 179-184.
120. "Rashi's Map of the Land of Canaan and Its Cartographic Background," in From Sages to Savants (Jerusalem, 2009), pp. 111-128 [in Hebrew; expanded version of No. 114].
121. "Un Santo venuto da Gerusalemme: Ranieri Scacceri," in I Santi venuti dal mare, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studio (Bari-Brindisi, 14-18 dicembre 2005), ed. Maria-Stella Calò Mariani (Bari 2009), pp. 173-180 (enlarged version of No. 95).
122. "Civitas and Castellum in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: Contemporary Frankish Perceptions," Burgen und Schlösser 50 (2009), 199-210.
123. (with Cyril Aslanov) "Problems in the Study of Trans-Cultural Borrowing in the Frankish Levant," in Hybride Kulturen im mittelalterlichen Europa. Vorträge und Workshops einer internationalen Frühlingsschule, ed Michael Borgolte and Bernd Schneidmüller (Berlin, 2010), pp. 277-285.
124. “The Latin Hermits of the Frankish Levant Revisited,” in “Come l’orco della fiaba.” Studi per Franco Cardini, ed. Marina Montesano (Florence, 2010), pp. 185-202.
125. “Haim Beinart,” Speculum 56 (2011), 860-863.
126. “The Eastern Christians in the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem: An Overview,” in Eastern Christianity, Judaism and Islam between the Death of Muhammad and Tamerlane (632-1405). Proceedings of the Humboldt-Kolleg, June 25 -28, 2008, Dolná Krupá, Slovakia, ed. Marián Gálik and Martin Slobodník (Bratislava, 2011), pp. 143-53.
127. “Muslime in den fränkischen Burgen des Königreichs Jerusalem,” Burgen und Schlösser 52 (2011), 210-18.
128. “Soxranenie kul’tury vopreki raspadu političeskix struktur“ (Cultural Persistence despite Total Political Collapse), in Obrazy Prošlogo. Sbornik pamiati A. Ja. Gureviča (Images of the Past. Collection in Memory of A. Ja. Gurevich), ed. Irina G. Galkova, K. A. Levinson, Svetlana I. Luchitskaia et al. (St. Petersburg, 2011), pp. 207-12.
129. “When Did the Palestinian Yeshiva Leave Tiberias?“ in Pesher Nahum. Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature from Antiquity through the Middle Ages Presented to Norman (Nahum) Golb, ed. Joel L. Kraemer and Michael G. Wechsler, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 66 (Chicago, 2012), pp. 117-20.
130. “Prolegomena to a World History of Harbour and River Chains,” in Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean. Studies in Honour of John Pryor, ed. Ruthy Gertwagen and Elizabeth Jeffreys (Farnham, 2012), pp. 3-37.
131. (with Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah and Tawfiq Da‘ādli) “The Madrasa Afdaliyya/Maqām al-Shaykh ‘Īd: An Example of Ayyubid Architecture in Jerusalem,” Revue Biblique 119 (2012), 271-87.
132. “On Books and Hermits in Nazareth’s Short Twelfth Century,” in Nazareth: Archaeology, History and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the First International Conference, Nazareth, November 22-24, 2010, ed. Mahmoud Yazbak and Sharif Sharif (Nazareth, 2012), pp. 43-53.
133. “La presenza militare italiana in Palestina, 1917-1919,” in Italia – Israele: Gli ultimi centocinquanta anni. Atti della Conferenza di Gerusalemme, 16-17 maggio 2011, ed. Simonetta Della Seta and Giordana Grego (Milano, 2012), pp. 113-22 (English version on pp. 417-25).
134. “From Religious to Political Messianism: The History of the German Templers,” Hayo haya – A Young Forum for History9 (2012), 85-123 [in Hebrew; second half of the seminar paper of 1965 the beginning of which was published in No. 105].
135. "Nazareth in Two Accounts of the Late Ottoman Period," in Nazareth: History and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Nazareth, July 2-5, 2012, ed. Mahmoud Yazbak and Sharif Sharif (Nazareth, 2013), pp. 209-225.
136. "Some New Light on the Composition Process of William of Tyre's Historia," in Deeds Done Beyond the Sea. Essays on William of Tyre, Cyprus and the Military Orders presented to Peter Edbury, ed. Susan B. Edgington and Helen J. Nicholson (Farnham, 2014), pp. 3-11.
137. "The History of the Modi`in Region," in The City Modi`in, ed. Eyal Miron (Jerusalem, 2014), pp. 18-81 [in Hebrew].
138. "Emicho of Flonheim and the Apocalyptic Motif in the 1096 Massacres: Between Paul Alphandéry and Alphonse Dupront," in Conflict and Religious Conversion in Latin Christendom. Studies in Honour of Ora Limor, ed. Israel Jacob Yuval and Ram Ben-Shalom (Turnhout, 2014), pp. 87-97.
139. "An Early Muslim Reaction to the First Crusade?" in Crusading and Warfare in the Middle Ages: Realities and Representations. Essays in Honour of John France, ed. Simon John and Nicholas Morton (Farnham, 2014), pp. 69-74.
140. "The Conquest of Beersheba, 1917, Revisited: The Crucial Role of German Air Squadron No. 301," in Palestine and World War I –Grand Strategy, Tactics and Culture in War, ed. Eran Dolev, Yigal Sheffy and Haim Goren (London – New York, 2014), pp. 58-69.
142. "King Richard's Plan for the Battle of Arsuf/Arsur, 1191," in The Medieval Way of War. Studies in Medieval Military History in Honor of Bernard S. Bachrach, ed. Gregory I. Halfond (Farnham, 2015), pp. 117-132.
143. (with Merry Wiesner-Hanks) "Introduction," Cambridge History of the World, vol. 5: Expanding Webs of Exchange and Conflict, 500 CE - 1500 CE, pp. 1-40.
144. "Introduction: Chaim Weizmann, Scientist and Statesman," in Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, pp. 1-9 [in Hebrew].
145. "The Account about the First Meeting between Haim Weizmann and Arthur Balfour – Myth or Reality?" in Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, pp. 127-142 [in Hebrew].
146. (with Daniella Talmon-Heller and Yitzhak Reiter:) "Vicissitudes of a Holy Place: Construction, Destruction and Commemoration of Mashhad Husayn in Ascalon," Der Islam 93 (2016), 182-215.
147. "Jerusalem's Two Montes Gaudii," in Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant. The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, ed. Micaela Sinibaldi, Kevin J. Lewis, Balász Major and Jennifer A. Thomson (Cardiff, 2016), pp. 3-19.
148. “Vestiges of Templar Presence in the Aqsa Mosque,” in The Templars and Their Sources, ed. Karl Borchardt, Karoline Döring, Philippe Josserand and Helen Nicholson (Abingdon, 2017), pp. 3-24.
149. "Introduction: Chaim Weizmann, Scientist and Statesman," in Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, pp. 1-11.
150. "The Description of Weizmann’s First Encounter with Balfour, 1906: Legendary or Factual?” in Chaim Weizmann: Scientist, Statesman and Architect of Science Policy, pp. 138-155.
151. “On Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt: Opening Remarks,” in Dynamics of Continuity, Patterns of Change. Between World History and Comparative Historical Sociology. In Memoriam Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt, pp. 1-5.
152. Cultural Persistence Despite Total Political Collapse: The Role of Elites,” in Dynamics of Continuity, Patterns of Change. Between World History and Comparative Historical Sociology. In Memoriam Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt, pp. 71-93.
153. “Iberia y el reino franco de Jerusalén,” Ad Limina. Revista de investigación del Camino de Santiago y las peregrinaciones8 (2017), 39-61.
154. “La croisade, une colonisation comme les autres?” L’Histoire 435 (mai 2017), 34-42.
155. “Frankish Bathhouses. Balneum and furnus – a functional dyad?” in Communicating the Middle Ages. Essays in Honour of Sophia Menache, 121-40.
156. “The Use of Paper in the Frankish Levant. A Comparative Study,” in Crusading and Trading between East and West. Essays in Honour of David Jacoby, pp. 3 – 16.
157. (with Paolo Trovato): “New Perspectives on Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre Jerosolimitane,” Storie e Linguaggi4.2 (2018), 1-32.
158. “My Paths in Historical Research,” in Studies in World, Jewish and Local History, pp. 11-22 [in Hebrew].
159. “Il distaccamento italiano in Palestina (1917-1919),” in Italy on the Rimland. Storia militare di una penisola eurasiatica, ed. Virgilio Ilari, 2 vols. (Rome, 2019), 2:136-46 [revised version of No. 133].
160. "Nazareth during Napoleon Bonaparte's Siege of Acre, March-May 1799," in The Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. Where the Word Became Flesh, ed. Einat Segal, Assaf Pinkus and Gil Fishhof (Berlin and Boston, 2020), 53-66.