Publications - Christophe Jaffrelot
Jaffrelot, C. (2019). Class and Caste in the 2019 Indian Election–Why Do So Many Poor Have Started to Vote for Modi? Studies in Indian Politics, 7(2), 149-160.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2019). A de facto ethnic democracy? The obliteration and targeting of the Other, Hindu vigilantes and the making of an ethno-state. In Majoritarian State: How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India (pp. 41). Hurst & Company.
Jaffrelot, C. O., Kohli, A., & Murali, K. (2019). Business and Politics in India. Oxford University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2019). Business-Friendly Gujarat Under Narendra Modi – The Implications of a New Political Economy. In Business and Politics in India (pp. 211). Oxford University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2019). L’Inde contemporaine. De 1990 à aujourd’hui. Hachette.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2019). L’Inde de Modi. National-populisme et démocratie ethnique. Fayard.
Jaffrelot, C. O., Hansen, T., & Chatterji, A. (2019). Majoritarian State: How Hindu Nationalism is Changing India. Hurst & Company.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2018). Indian Secularism and Its Challenges. In Forms of Pluralism and Democratic Constitutionalism Columbia University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2018). Secularity without Secularism in Pakistan: The Politics of Islam from Sir Syed to Zia. In A Secular Age beyond the West - Religion, Law and the State in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa (pp. 152). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press..
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). The Congress in Gujarat (1917–1969): Conservative Face of a Progressive Party. Studies in Indian Politics, 5(2), 248.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). The Roots and Varieties of Political Conservatism in India. Studies in Indian Politics, 5(2), 205.
Tillin, L., & Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). Populism in India. In C. R. Kaltwasser, P. A. Taggart, P. Ochoa Espejo, & P. Ostiguy (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Populism Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O., BOZARSLAN, H., & Bataillon, G. (2017). Revolutionary Passions: Latin America, Middle East and India. Routledge.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). Towards a Hindu state? JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, 28(3), 52-63.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). India in 2016 Assessing Modi Mid-Term. Asian Survey, 57(1).
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). From Holy Sites to Web Sites: Hindu Nationalism, from Sacred Territory to Diasporic Ethnicity. In P. Michel, A. Possamai, & B. Turner (Eds.), Religions, Nations, and Transnationalism in Multiple Modernities (pp. 153-174). Palgrave Macmillan.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2017). South Asian Muslims’ interactions with Arabian Islam until the 1990s. Pan-Islamism before and after Pakistan. In Pan-Islamic Connections. Transnational Networks between South Asia and the Gulf (pp. 21). Hurst & Company.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). Quota for Patels? The Neo-middle class Syndrome and the (Partial) Return of Caste Politics in Gujarat. Studies in Indian Politics, 4(2), 1.
Jaffrelot, C. (2016). India in 2015. A Year of Modi’s Prime Ministership. Asian Survey, 56(1), 174-186.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). Narendra Modi between Hindutva and subnationalism: The Gujarati asmita of a Hindu Hriday Samrat. India Review, 15(2), 196-217.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). Pakistan at the crossroads. Domestic Dynamics and External Pressures. New York: Columbia University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). Quota for Patels? The Neo-middleclass Syndrome and the (Partial) Return of Caste Politics in Gujarat. Studies in Indian Politics, 42(2), 1-15.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). The Muslims of Gujarat during Narendra Modi’s chief ministership. In R. Hasan (Ed.), Indian Muslims. Struggling for Equality and Citizenship (pp. 235-258). Melbourne University Publishing.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). The Pakistan Paradox. Unstability and Resilience. New York Oxford University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2016). US-Pakistan Relations Under Obama: Resilience of Clientelism? In C. Jaffrelot (Ed.), Pakistan at the Crossroads. Domestic Dynamics and External Pressures (pp. 219-278). Columbia University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2015). The Class Element in the 2014 Indian Election and the BJP’s Success with Special Reference to the Hindi Belt. Studies in Indian Politics, 3(1), 19-38.
Jaffrelot, C. O., & Kumar, S. (2015). The Impact of Urbanization on the Electoral Results of the 2014 Indian Elections: With Special reference to the BJP Vote. Studies in Indian Politics, 3(1), 39-49.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2015). The Modi-centric BJP 2014 election campaign: New techniques and old tactics. Contemporary South Asia, 23(2), 151-166.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2015). Narendra Modi and the Power of Television in Gujarat. Television & New Media, 346-353.
Jaffrelot, C. O., & Verniers, G. (2015). The Resistance of Regionalism : BJP’s Limitations and the Resilience of State Parties. In P. Wallace (Ed.), India’s 2014 Elections. A Modi-led BJP Sweep (pp. 28-47). Sage, New Delhi.
Jaffrelot, C. O. (2015). What Gujarat Model ? – Growth without development and with socio-political polarisation. South Asia-Journal Of South Asian Studies, 38(4), 820-838.
Jaffrelot, C. (2014). Transnational learning networks amongst Asian Muslims: An introduction. MODERN ASIAN STUDIES, 48(2), 331-339.
Jaffrelot, C. (2013). Refining the moderation thesis. Two religious parties and Indian democracy: the Jana Sangh and the BJP between Hindutva radicalism and coalition politics. democratization, 20(5), 876-894.
Jaffrelot, C. (2011). Storming the World Stage The Story of Lashkar-e-Talba (book review). Critique: revue generale des publications francaises et etrangeres , 67(768), 381-389.
Jaffrelot, C. (2011). India: the politics of (re)conversion to Hinduism of Christian aboriginals. In P. Michel, & E. Pace (Eds.), Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion: Volume 2: Religion and Politics (Vol. 2, pp. 197-215). Brill.
Jaffrelot, C., & Verniers, G. (2011). Re-nationalization of India's Political Party System or Continued Prevalence of Regionalism and Ethnicity? Evidence from the 2009 General Elections. Asian Survey, 51(6), 1090-1112.
Jaffrelot, C. (2011). Religion, caste, and politics in India. (Comparative politics and international studies series). New York: Columbia University Press.
Jaffrelot, C. (2011). The plebeianization of the Indian political class. In C. Jaffrelot (Ed.), Religion, Caste and Politics in India (pp. 411-429). London: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd.
Jaffrelot, C. (2010). 'Why should we vote?': the Indian middle class and the functioning of the world's largest democracy. In C. Jaffrelot (Ed.), Religion, Caste & Politics in India (pp. 604-619). Delhi: Primus Books.
Jaffrelot, C. (2009). The Hindu nationalist reinterpretation of pilgrimage in India: the limits of Yatra politics. NATIONS AND NATIONALISM, 15(1), 1-19.
Jaffrelot, C. (2009). Religion and Nationalism. In P. B. Clarke (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Religion (pp. 406-416). Oxford: Oxford University Press.