Publications - Elizabeth Key Fowden
‘Shrines and Banners: Paleo-Muslims and their material inheritance’, in L. Korn and Ç. İvren (edd.), Encompassing the Sacred in Islamic Art and Architecture (Beiträge zur Islamischen Kunst und Archäologie 6) (Wiesbaden, forthcoming 2020) 5-23.
Fowden, E.K. (2019) ‘Jerusalem and the work of discontinuity', in M. Abdallah (ed.), Uninterrupted Fugue: Art by Kamal Boullata (Hirmer: Munich, Chicago & London)
Fowden, E.K. (2019) 'The Parthenon Mosque, King Solomon and the Greek Sages'. In: Ottoman Athens: Archeology, topography, history. Athens. [Lecture, The Parthenon Mosque, King Solomon and the Philosophers, Gennadius Library, Athens, 23 April 2015]
Fowden, E.K. (2018) 'The Parthenon, Pericles and King Solomon: a case study of Ottoman archaeological imagination in Greece', Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 42, pp. 261-274
Fowden, E.K. (2016) 'Schreine und Banner: Paläomuslime und ihr materielles Erbe', in A. Neuwirth, N. Schmidt and N. K. Schmid, Denkraum Spätantike. Szenarien der Reflexion von Antike im Umfeld des Koran, Wiesbaden, pp 405-430.
Fowden, E.K. (2015) 'Rural converters among the Arabs', in A. Papaconstantinou, N. McLynn and D. Schwartz, Conversion in late antiquity: Christianity, Islam and beyond, Farnham, pp 175-196.
Fowden, E.K. (2013) 'Des églises pour les Arabes, pour les nomades?' in F. Briquel Chatonnet, Les églises en monde syriaque, Paris, pp 391-420.
Fowden, E.K. (2007) 'The lamp and the wine flask: Early Muslim interest in Christian monasticism', in A. Akasoy, J.E. Montgomery and P. Pormann, Islamic crosspollinations: Interactions in the medieval Middle East, Cambridge, pp 1-28.
Fowden, E.K. (2005) 'Saint Serge chez les Arabes', Dossiers d’Archéologie 309, pp 54-59.
Fowden, E.K. (2005) 'Constantine and the peoples of the eastern frontier', in N. Lenski, The Cambridge companion to the age of Constantine, Cambridge, pp 377-398.
Fowden, E.K. (2004) Studies on Hellenism, Christianity and the Umayyads (with Garth Fowden), Athens.
Fowden, E.K. (2002) 'Sharing holy places', Common Knowledge 8, pp 124-46.
Fowden, E.K. (2000) 'An Arab building at Rusafa-Sergiopolis', Damaszener Mitteilungen 12, pp 303-324.
Fowden, E.K. (1999) The Barbarian Plain: Saint Sergius between Rome and Iran, Berkeley.
Select Translations from Modern Greek
‘Athens as an Oriental City’, in Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Boundless garden: Selected Short Stories, Vol. 3 (Denise Harvey (Publisher) Limni, Evia, in preparation).
‘The witches’, in Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Boundless garden: Selected Short Stories, Vol. 2 (Denise Harvey (Publisher) Limni, Evia, forthcoming 2019).
C. Bouras, Byzantine Athens, 10th-12th centuries (Routledge 2017)
P. Kalligas, The Enneads of Plotinus, A Commentary. Volume 1 (translated with Nicolas Pilachai) (Princeton, Princeton University Press 2014)
M. Politi, ed., The Gennadius Manuscripts: a journey through the manuscripts of the Gennadius Library (translated with John Davis) (Princeton, American School of Classical Studies, 2011)
E. Brouskari, ed., Ottoman architecture in Greece (Athens, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, 2008)
‘The gleaner’, ‘A pilgrimage to the Kastro’ in Alexandros Papadiamandis, The Boundless garden: Selected Short Stories, Vol. 1 (Denise Harvey (Publisher) Limni, Evia, 2007); ‘The gleaner’ was read by Mark Williams on BBC Radio 4, 15 June 2011