Publications - Florian Mühlfried
Mistrust – A Global Perspective. Basingstoke: Palgrave Pivot (2019)
Misstrauen – Vom Wert eines Unwertes. Stuttgart: Reclam (2019)
(ed.) Mistrust – Ethnographic Approximations. Bielefeld: transcript (2018) (Review: Social Anthropology 27 (1): 124-125)
(ed. with Tsypylma Darieva and Kevin Tuite) Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces – Religious Pluralism in the Caucasus. Oxford, New York: Berghahn (2018) (Reviews: Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 10: 94-96, Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West 6/2018: 30, Reading Religion (available online))
Being a State and States of Being in Highland Georgia. London, New York: Berghahn (2014) (Reviews: American Ethnologist 42 (2): 383-385, Social Anthropology 23 (1): 105-106, Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 9 (2): 121-122, Slavic Review 6 (2): 395, Caucasus Survey 4 (1): 105-105, Anthropos 110: 648-649, Eurasia (Rivista di Studi Geopolitici) 36 (4): 209-215, Anthropology Review Database)
(ed. with Sergey Sokolovskiy) Exploring the Edge of Empire – Soviet Era Anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Münster: LIT (2012) (Reviews: Central Asian Survey 34(3): 34-35, Slavic Review 72 (3): 667-669, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 4: 228-231)
Postsowjetische Feiern – Das Georgische Bankett im Wandel. Stuttgart: ibidem (2006) (Review: Laboratorium 1/2010: 331-332)
Book Chapters
Caucasus Paradigms Revisited. In: Broers, Laurence and Galina Yemelianova (eds.): Routledge Handbook of the Caucasus. London: Routledge (forthcoming)
(with Peter Schweitzer) Kaukasus und Kommunismus – Die Abenteuer des Robert Bleichsteiner, In: Gingrich, Andre and Peter Rohrbacher (eds.): Geschichte der Wiener Völkerkunde in der NS-Zeit. Wien: Böhlau (forthcoming)
Military and Diplomatic Relations of Georgian Highlanders to the Georgian Kingdom and Russia – Examples from the 17th Century and their Implications for Today, In: Kahl, Tede and Ioana Nechiti (eds.): Caucasus and South East Europe II: Ethno-Cultural Diversity. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences (forthcoming)
Don’t Trust, Don’t Fear, Don’t Ask. In: Mühlfried, Florian (ed.): Mistrust – Ethnographic Approximations. Bielefeld: transcript: 179-200 (2018)
Introduction. In: Mühlfried, Florian (ed.): Mistrust – Ethnographic Approximations. Bielefeld: transcript: 7-22 (2018)
Not Sharing the Sacra. In: Darieva, Tsypylma, Florian Mühlfried and Kevin Tuite (eds.): Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces – Religious Pluralism in the Caucasus. Oxford, New York: Berghahn: 150-176 (2018)
(with Tsypylma Darieva and Kevin Tuite) Introduction. In: Darieva, Tsypylma, Florian Mühlfried and Kevin Tuite (eds.): Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces – Religious Pluralism in the Caucasus. Oxford, New York: Berghahn: 1-18 (2018)
sadghegrzelo [“toast” in Georgian]. In: Ledeneva, Alena, Anna Bailey, Sheelagh Barron, Elizabeth Teague and Constanza Curro (eds.): Encyclopaedia of Informality. London: UCL Press: 396-400, 417 (2018)
Esneklikten Katılığa: Son Dönemde Gürcistan- Rusya Sınırı [When Soft Turns Hard – The Georgian-Russian Border in the Past Decades], In: Yılmaz, Altuğ (ed.): Mühürlü Kapı: Türkiye-Ermenistan Sınırının Geleceği [Sealed Gate: The Prospects of the Turkey-Armenia Border]. Istanbul: Hrant Dink Vakfı Yayınları [Publishing House of the Hrant Dink Foundation]: 46-58 (2017)
Von versteckten Schätzen in den Bergen und einem Staat, der kommt und geht, In: Reineck, Natia and Ute Rieger (eds.): Kaukasiologie heute – Festschrift für Heinz Fähnrich. Greiz: Buchverlag König: 249-265 (2016)
(with Sergey Sokolovskiy) Introduction: Soviet Anthropology at the Empire’s Edge, In: Mühlfried, Florian and Sergey Sokolovskiy (eds.): Exploring the Edge of Empire: Soviet Era Anthropology in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Münster: LIT: 1-16 (2012)
Did Communism Matter? Settlement Policies from Above and Below in Highland Georgia. In: Tsitsishvili, Nino (ed.): Cultural Paradigms and Political Change in the Caucasus. Sarbrücken: Lambert: 174-196 (2010)
Celebrating Identities in Post-Soviet Georgia, In: Darieva, Tsypylma and Wolfgang Kaschuba (eds.): Remaking Identities on the Margins of New Europe, Frankfurt, New York: Campus: 282-300 (2007)
Journal Articles
A Field of Exception? Recordings from Prisoner of War Camps, World War I. International Forum on Audio-Visual Research (Jahrbuch des Phonogramm-Archivs der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften) 9 (forthcoming)
Religion, Reinheit und Radikalisierung in Georgien – Vom Ende des Alaverdoba-Festes in Georgien. Osteuropa 9-11: 587-598 (2015)
(with Tsypylma Darieva) Kontaktraum Kaukasus – Sprachen, Religionen, Völker und Kulturen. Osteuropa 9-11: 95-117 (2015)
(with Raschid Alikajew) Unheimliche Bedrohungen und heimliche Widerstände – Zur religiösen Situation in Kabardino-Balkarien. Georgica 37: 95-117 (2016)
A Taste of Mistrust. Ab Imperio 1: 63-68 (2015)
Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun – Ritualtheorie und die Frage der Intentionalität am Beispiel des Georgischen Banketts. Anthropos 110 (1): 182-189 (2015)
Akademische Selbstverstümmelung – Der Kaukasiologie an der Universität Jena droht das Aus, Osteuropa 3: 197-203 (2015) [Georgian version in aravi 7: 101-112 (2016)]
Let’s flow! Circular Migration and Transhumant Mobility among the Tushetians of Georgia. Caucasus Survey 2 (1-2): 1-13 (2014)
Perspektiven der Wiener Kaukasusforschung – Johanna Stigler zum Gedenken. AAS Working Papers in Social Anthropology 22, available online: < > (2012)
Citizenship Gone Wrong. Citizenship Studies 15 (3-4): 353-366 (2011)
Protected and Rejected Citizens in the 2008 Russian-Georgian War. Anthropology Today 26 (2): 8-13 (2010)
(with Teona Mataradze) Leaving and Being Left Behind: Labour Migration in Georgia. Caucasus Analytical Digest4, available online:
<> (2009)
Von versteckten Schätzen in den Bergen und einem Staat, der kommt und geht. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Paper 92; available online via the Institute’s webpage: <> (2007)
Sharing the Same Blood – Culture and Cuisine in the Republic of Georgia. Anthropology of Food S3 (eds. Eeuwijk, Piet van and Gabriele Weichart), available online <> (2007)
Banquets, Grant-Eaters, and the Red Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet Georgia. Eurasian Studies Review 4 (1): 16-19 (2005)
Das georgische Bankett: Eine kulturelle Reserve gegen die Globalisierung. Journal für Ethnologie 25, available online: <> (2005)
Die Kunst des Tischmeisters (tamadoba) – Eine männliche Domäne? Georgica 27: 51-72 (2004)
kartuli supris gaazrebis sak’itxisatvis [The Question of the Interpretation of the Georgian “supra”]. ist’oriul-etnograpiuli sht’udiebi [Historical and Ethnographic Studies] 8, 166-169 (in Georgian) (2004)
Pereosmyslenie Gruzinskogo “Supra” [The “supra” reconsidered]. Archeologija, Ėtnologija i Fol’kloristika Kavkaza [Archeology, Ethnology and Folklore Studies of the Caucasus] (ed.) National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Erevan: 233-235 (in Russian) (2003)
Bleichsteiners „Kaukasische Forschungen“. Georgica 24: 51-58 (2002)
Der Deserteurs-Markt in Tbilissi im Sommer 1997 (with Georgian summary). Amirani 7: 57-63 (2002)
Gastrecht. Ethnoscripts 2 (2): 81-85 (2000)