Publications - Glenn Bowman
Benthall, Jonathan. 2016. “Problem Shares (a Review of Choreographies of Shared Sacred Sites and Sharing the Sacra).” The Times Literary Supplement, October.
Bowman, Glenn. 2015. “Lieux Saints Partagés: An Analytical Review.” Medieval Worldsmedieval worlds (Volume 2015.2): 89–99.
Bowman, Glenn. 2012. “Identification and Identity Formations around Shared Shrines in West Bank Palestine and Western Macedonia.” In Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean: Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries, edited by Dionigi Albera and Maria Couroucli, 11–30. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Couroucli, Maria. 2012. “Chthonian Spirits and Shared Shrines : The Dynamics of Place among Christians and Muslims in Anatolia.” In Sharing the Sacra : The Politics and Pragmatics of Intercommunal Relations around Holy Places, edited by Glenn Bowman, 44–60. New York: Berghahn Books.
Bowman, Glenn. 2012. Sharing the Sacra : The Politics and Pragmatics of Intercommunal Relations around Holy Places. New York: Berghahn Books.
Bowman, Glenn. 2012. “Nationalizing and Denationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories.” Sacred Space in Israel and Palestine: Religion and Politics, 195–227.
Bigelow, Anna. 2012. “Everybody’s Baba: Making Space for the Other.” In Sharing the Sacra: The Politics and Pragmatics of Intercommunal Relations Around Holy Places, edited by Glenn Bowman, 25–43.
Albera, Dionigi. 2012. “Combining Practices and Beliefs: Muslim Pilgrims at Marian Shrines.” In Sharing the Sacra: The Politics and Pragmatics OfIntercommunal Relations around Holy Places, by Glenn Bowman, 10–24. Oxford/New York: Berghahn Books.
Bowman, Glenn. 2011. “‘In Dubious Battle on the Plains of Heav’n’: The Politics of Possession in Jerusalem’s Holy Sepulchre.” History and Anthropology 22 (3): 371–99.
Bowman, Glenn. 2010. “Orthodox-Muslim Interactions at’Mixed Shrines’ in Macedonia.” In Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective, edited by Chris Hann and Hermann Goltz, 195–219. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Bowman, Glenn. 2009. “Processus Identitaires Autour de Quelques Sanctuaires Partagés En Palestine et En Macédoine.” In Religions Traversées; Lieux Saints Partagés Entre Chrétiens, Musulmans et Juifs En Mediterranée, edited by Dionigi Albera and Maria Couroucli, 27–52. Areles, France; Canterbury, UK: Actes Sud; University of Kent.
Bowman, Glenn. 2007. “Nationalizing and Denationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories.” Man 28: 431–60.
Bowman, Glenn. 2007. “Nationalizing and Denationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories (In Arabic).” Chronos: Revue d’histoire de l’Université de Balamand XVI, 151–210.
Bowman, Glenn. 2001. “The Two Deaths of Basem Rishmawi: Identity Constructions and Reconstructions in a Muslim‐christian Palestinian Community.” Identities Global Studies in Culture and Power 8 (1): 47–81.
Bowman, Glenn. 1993. “Nationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories.” Man Volume 28.
Bowman, Glenn. 1993. “Nationalizing the Sacred: Shrines and Shifting Identities in the Israeli-Occupied Territories.” Man: The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 28 (3): 431–60.
Bowman, Glenn. 1990. “Christian, Muslim Palestinians Confront Sectarianism: Religion and Political Identity in Beit Sahour.” Middle East Report, 50–53.