Publications - Iwona Kaliszewska
Kaliszewska I. Falkowski M. Veiled and Unveiled in Chechnya and Daghestan, Hurst Publishers, 2016.
Kaliszewska I. Za Putina i za szarijat. Dagestańscy muzułmanie o Rosji i państwie islamskim, WUW, 2016.
Voell S., Kaliszewska I., eds. State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus. Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics, Ashgate, 2015
Kaliszewska I., Everyday Life in the North Caucasus, URIC, IV 2011 [raport published in Polish and English in form of a book].
Kaliszewska I., Falkowski M., Matrioszka w hidżabie [Matrioshka in hijab. Esseys on Dagestan and Chechnya] , SIC!, 2010.
Kaliszewska I., Cheese bribe. Viewing social changes through food and mobility in Daghestan, North Caucasus, Sociological Studies, 4/2018.
Kaliszewska I., Kołodziejska-Degórska I. Social context of wild leafy vegetables uses in Daghestan, Journal for Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2015.
Kaliszewska I. „I wait for enlighted times”. Story of Issa Kodzoev, Ingush writer [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 6/2013.
Kaliszewska I., Ramzan's Chechnya, New Eastern Europe, Special Edition 2011.
Kaliszewska I., South Ossetia: Sad Independence [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 6/2011.
Kaliszewska I., Karabakh: war or discotheque? [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 5/2011.
Kaliszewska I., Ramzan’s Chechnya [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 1/2010.
Kaliszewska I., The Chechen pilgrimage [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 4/2010.
Kaliszewska I., Dagestan. In quest for the lost state [in Polish] , Publications of Polish Anthropological Institute, 2/2010.
Kaliszewska I. On Dagestani migrants returning home [in Polish], in: The Caucasian Dilemmas. National and Migration Issues [in Polish], M. Ząbek (ed.). Warszawa 2010.
Kaliszewska I. Echoes of the USSR. The influence of the Soviet Union on the identity of refugees from Chechnya [in Polish] , in: The Caucasian Dilemmas. National and Migration Issues, M. Ząbek (ed.). Warszawa 2010.
Kaliszewska I. Computer-assisted analysis of ethnographic materials and folklore texts [in Polish], in: Folklore in the age of the Internet, P. Grochmalski (ed.). Toruń 2009.
Falkowski M., Kaliszewska I., Dagestan. A forgotten spot in the Caucasus [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 1/2009.
Kaliszewska I., Selected adaptation strategies of Armenians in Poland [in Armenian], Erevan 2009.
Falkowski M., Kaliszewska I., Rzemieniuk K. Dagestan. The Caucasus Highlanders and Poles [in Polish], Warszawa 2007.
Kaliszewska I., Uraza Bairam in Dagestan [in Polish], Nowa Europa Wschodnia, 9/2010.
I. Kaliszewska & Kacper Czubak, Strongwoman, documentary film recorded in Daghestan, Tsumada Region, 17'. Production: Studio Munka, 2013.
Kaliszewska I., The computer programme EdEt, Ethnographic Editor). The programme is a tool facilitating the analysis of fieldwork data (interviews, field notes and literature). It allows multidimensional classification of text, taking into account various topics, interlocutors etc. The program features an easy-to-use query system which facilitates text analysis; 2005-2009. The program is being used at University of Warsaw and University Autonoma de Barcelona.