Publications - John Eade
with Nanna Natalia Jørgensen, Tor-Johan Ekeland and Catherine A.N.
Lorentzen. ‘The Motivations of Pilgrimage Walking the St. Olav Way in
Norway’, International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 8 (8):
‘The Invention of Sacred Places and Rituals: A Comparative Study of
Pilgrimage’, Religions 10.13140/RG.2.2.36237.77281
with E. Mesaritou and S. Coleman (2020) ‘Introduction. Knowledge, Ignorance, and Pilgrimage’, Journeys 21 (1), pp. 1-18.
‘What is going on here?’ Gazing, Knowledge and the Body at a Pilgrimage Shrine’, Journeys 21 (1): 19-40. Available at!!
with N. Jorgensen, T-J. Ekeland and C. Lorentzen (2020) ‘The Processes,
Effects and Therapeutics of Pilgrimage Walking the St Olav Way’,
International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 8 (1). Available at:
‘Moving, crossing, and dwelling: Christianity and place pilgrimage’ in
V. Narayanan (ed.), The Blackwell Wiley Companion to Religion and Materiality, Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 381-414. ISBN 13: 978-1118660065.
with E. Mesaritou. ‘Pilgrimage: A Bibliographical Resource’, Oxford
Bibliographies in Anthropology, OUP, ISBN: 9780199766567-0195, pp. 15.
‘Pilgrimage’ in The International Encyclopaedia of Anthropology,
edited by H. Callan, Wiley Blackwell, pp. 9. ISBN: 9781118924396;
S. Coleman and J. Eade 'Introduction' in S. Coleman and J. Eade (eds) (2018) Pilgrimage and Political Economy, Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 978-1-78533-942-4.
Healing social and physical bodies: Lourdes and military pilgrimage
Eade, P., Jan 2018, Military Pilgrimage and Battlefield Tourism: Commemorating the Dead. Albera, D. & Eade, J. (eds.). Abingdon, UK, and New York: Routldege, p. 15-34 19 p. (Routledge Studies in Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism).
Eade, P. & O'Byrne, D., Jan 2018, Re-Living the Global City: Global/Local Processes. Eade, J. & Rumford, C. (eds.). Abingdon, UK, and New York: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, p. xi-xvii 6 p.
Creating Religious Homes in London: Sacralising Space in a Deeply Globalised City
Eade, J., 2017, Negotiating Religion: Cross-disciplinary perspectives. Guesnet, F., Laborde, C. & Lee, L. (eds.). New York and Abingdon: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group
Pilgrimage Studies in Global Perspective
Eade, J. & Albera, D., 1 Jun 2017, New Pathways in Pilgrimage Studies. Eade, J. (ed.). New York and Abingdon: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, p. 1-17 18 p. (Routledge Studies in Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism).
‘Parish and pilgrimage in a changing Europe’
Eade, J., 2017, Palgrave Macmillan.
International Perspectives on Pilgrimage Studies: Putting the Anglophone Contribution in its Place
Eade, P. & Albera, D., 1 Jun 2015, International Perspectives on Pilgrimage Studies: Itineraries, Gaps and Obstacles. New York and Abingdon: Routldege, p. 1-22 23 p. (Routledge Studies on Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism).
What’s behind the figures? An investigation into recent Polish migration to the UK
Garapich, M., Drinkwater, S. & Eade, P. J., 2010, A continent moving west. IMISCOE publications
Poles Apart? EU Enlargement and the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the United Kingdom
Drinkwater, S., Eade, J. & Garapich, M., 2009, In : International Migration. 47, 1, p. 161-190
Eade, P., 2007, In : Mobilities.