Publications - Maria Couroucli
2015a Couroucli, Maria et Tchavdar Marinov (eds). Balkan Heritages. Negotiating History and Culture. Farnham, Ashgate. 215 pp.
2015b Couroucli, M., Karamanolakis, V. and Sklavenitis, T. (eds). Historiography transfers between France and Greece; (in Greek; original title: Synantiseis tis ellinikis me ti gallikiistoriographia, 1974-2012). Ecole fran.aise d’Ath.nes, National Foundation for Scientijic Research (Athens). 376 pp.
2013 Couroucli, Maria. L’européanisme mis en question. Récits ethno-orientalistes de la crise grecque. Conf.rence Fleischman 2012. Paris, Soci.t. d’Ethnologie, 40pp.
2012 Couroucli, Maria et Dionigi Albera (eds), Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean. Christians, Muslims, and Jews at Shrines and Sanctuaries, Indiana University Press, 277pp.
Book chapters
2015a "Paris-Ath.nes, Aller simple.", in Couroucli, M., Karamanolakis, V. et Sklavenitis, T. (eds) Synantiseis tis ellinikis me ti galliki istoriographia, (Transfers historiographiques franco-grecs), pp. 245-258.
2015b "Introduction" (with T. Marinov), dans Balkan Heritages. Negotiating History and Culture. Farnham, Ashgate, pp. 5-16.
2014 “Shared Sacred Places”, in Peregrine Horden and Sharon Kinoshita (eds), A Companion to Mediterranean History, Blackwell Companions to World History, Oxford, Wiley, pp. 378-391.
2013 (avec Vangelis Karamanolakis) “Renegotiations of Twentieth-Century History Access to ‘Sensitive’ Government Records and Archives in Greece”, in Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 10 (2013), S. XX-XX ˝ Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, G.ttingen. http://www.zeithistorische-
2012 “Sharing Sacred Places - A mediterranean tradition”. Introduction to: Albera and Couroucli (eds) Sharing Sacred Spaces in the Mediterranean, Indiana U Press.
2012 “Saint George the Anatolian. Master of Frotiers”, in Albera and Couroucli (eds) see above.
2012 "Chthonian Spirits and Shared shrines: the dynamics of Place among Christians and Muslims in Anatolia", in Glenn Bowman (ed) Sharing the Sacra. The Politics and Pragmatics of Inter-communal Relations Around Holy Places. Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford, pp. 44-6
2010 Couroucli, M. “Empire Dust: The Web of Relations in Saint George’s Festival on Princes Island in Istanbul”, in Chris Hann and Herman Goltz (eds), Eastern Christians in Anthropological Perspective, University of California Press, pp. 220-23
2010 Couroucli, M. “M.moire et oubli de la guerre civile grecque: peut-on se souvenir des evenements de Decembre 1944, Mariline Crivello, Karine Basset, Dimitri Nicolaidis, Rania Polycandrioti (dir), Les échelles de la mémoire en Méditerranée, XIXe-XXIe si.cle, Arles, Actes Sud, pp. 235-264
2009 Couroucli, M. "Introduction. Le partage des lieux saints comme tradition mediterraneenne", in Albera et Couroucli (dir.) Religions traversées Lieux saints partages entre chretiens, musulmans et juifs en Mediterran.e, Actes Sud, pp. 15-26.
2009 Couroucli, M. “Saint Georges l’Anatolien, ma.tre des fronti.res”, in Albera et Couroucli (dir.) Religions traversées (voir supra) pp. 175-208.
2008 Couroucli, M. "Bergers, h.ros et .lites", in de Rapper, G., Sint.s, P. (eds), Nommer et classer dans les Balkans, Ath.nes. .ditions de l'.cole Fran.aise d'Athenes, pp. 27-41
BOOK 2008 Κουρούκλη, Μ. Εργα και ημέρες στην Κέρκυρα, ιστορική ανθρωπολογία μιας τοπικής κοινωνίας (Travaux et jours . Corfou, anthropologie historique d'une communauté locale) Athenes, Ed. Alexandreia.
BOOK 2008, Τ. et Couroucli, M. (dir.) Ethnographes et voyageurs: les désis de l'écriture, Editions du Comit. des Travaux Historiques et Scientijiques (CTHS), 286p.
2008 Couroucli, M. “Voyager au pays d’Ulysse" in Ethnographes et voyageurs : les désis de l'écriture. - Barthelemy, Tiphaine & Maria Couroucli, eds. - Paris : CTHS, 2008. - p. 179-190.
2007 Couroucli, M. “Identity, nationalism and anthropologists . in Between Europe and the Mediterranean. The challenges and the fears. Fabre, Thierry & Sant-Cassia, Paul, eds. New York :Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 73-87.