Publications - Mick Dumper
Dumper M (2020). Power, Piety and People: the Politics of Holy Cities in the 21st Century. New York, USA. Columbia University Press. Abstract.
Dumper M (2019). Contested Holy Cities the Urban Dimension of Religious Conflicts., Routledge Studies in Religion and Politics. Abstract.
Dumper MRT (2019). Introduction: the Urban Dimension of Religious Conflict. In (Ed) Contested Holy Cities: the Urban Dimension of Religious Conflict, Routledge.
Dumper MRT (June 2019). “From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: an Embassy Move as the Crucible for Contested Histories.” Review of Middle East Studies, 53(1), 1-12. DOI.
Dumper MRT (May 2019). The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem: Mixed Messages and Mixed Blessings for Israel?. Review of Middle East Studies Full text.
Dumper MRT (2019). “Holy Cities in Conflict.” The Jerusalem Quarterly
Ward R (2015). Introduction. In (Ed) A Global History of Execution and the Criminal Corpse, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1-36. Abstract.
Dumper MRT (2014). Jerusalem Unbound: Geography, History and the Future of the Holy City. New York, Columbia University Press.
Dumper MRT (2014). Refugee entitlement and the passing of time: Waldron’s supersession thesis and the Palestinian refugee case sixty years on. In Bradley M (Ed) Forced Migration, Reconciliation and Justice, Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Full text.
Gwiazda M, Pullan W, Larkin C, Dumper M (2014). The Struggle for Jerusalem’s Holy Places., Routledge.
Dumper MRT (2014). Palestinian Refugee Repatriation: Global perspectives. In Dumper M (Ed) PALESTINIAN REFUGEE REPATRIATION: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES, London and New York: Routledge, 287-310.
Dumper MRT (2013). Policing Divided Cities: Stabilisation and Law Enforcement in Palestinian East Jerusalem. International Affairs: promoting dialogue between academics and policy-makers, 1247-1264. Abstract.
Dumper MRT (2013). Security and the Holy Places of Jerusalem: the ‘Hebronisation’ of the Old City and Adjacent Areas. In Baillie B, Pullan W (Eds.) Locating Urban Conflicts: Nationalism, Ethnicity, and the Everyday, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dumper MRT, Larkin C, Kyriacou. L, Pullan W, Sternberg M (2013). The Struggle for Jerusalem’s Holy Places. London, Routledge.
Dumper M (eds)(2012). CIVIL LIBERTIES, NATIONAL SECURITY AND PROSPECTS FOR CONSENSUS. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Reed ED, Dumper M (2012). Civil liberties, national security and prospects for consensus: Legal, philosophical and religious perspectives. Abstract. DOI.
Dumper MRT, Larkin C (2012). In Defence of Al-Aqsa: the Islamic Movement inside Israel and the battle for Jerusalem. Middle East Journal, 66(1).
Dumper M, Reed ED (2012). Introduction: Civil liberties, national security and prospects for consensus: Legal, philosophical and religious perspectives. Abstract. DOI.
Dumper MRT, Larkin C (2012). The Politics of Heritage and the Limitations of International Agency in Divided Cities: the role of UNESCO in Jerusalem's Old City. Review of International Studies, 38(No 1), 25-52. DOI. Full text.
Dumper MRT (2011). A false dichotomy? the binationalism debate and the future of divided Jerusalem International Affairs 87:3 (May 2011) pp 671-686. International Affairs, 3(87), 671-686. DOI.
Dumper MRT (2011). The Role of Awqaf in Protecting the Islamic Heritage of Jerusalem, 1967-2010. In Emtiaz D (Ed) Hamam Al Ayn / Hamam Al Hana’: Essays and Memories in Celebration of a Historic Public Bath House in Jerusalem’s Old Arab city. Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem.
Dumper M (2010). Constructive Ambiguities? Jerusalem, International Law and the Peace process. In Dumper, MRT, Akram, S, Lynk, M, Scobbie, I (Eds.) International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, London: Routledge, 113-144. Abstract.
Dumper MRT, Akram S, Lynk M, Scobbie I (2010). International Law and the Peace Process. London, Routledge.
Dumper M (2010). Jerusalem. In Newman D, Peters J (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, London:. Abstract.
Dumper MRT (2010). Jerusalem: the Cost of Failure. Department for International Development, London, Royal Institute for International Affairs. 15 pages. Abstract. Author URL.
Dumper MRT (2010). The Palestinians. In Loescher G, Milner J, Newman E, Troeller G (Eds.) Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications, Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
Dumper MRT. Jerusalem. In Rubenberg C (Ed) Encyclopaedia of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, Lynne Reinner, (Boulder, 2010).
Dumper MRT (2009). Arab-Israeli Conflict. London, Routledge.
Dumper MRT (2009). Christianity, Jerusalem and Zionist Exclusivity: the St John’s Hospice Incident Reconsidered. In Jayyusi L (Ed) Jerusalem Interrupted: Arab Jerusalem and Colonial Transformation 1917-2006, London: Interlink Publishers.
Dumper M (2009). Future Prospects for the Palestinian Refugees. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 28(2-3), 561-587. Abstract.
Dumper MRT (2009). Introduction. In Dumper (Ed) Arab-Israeli Conflict, London: Routledge, 1-12.
Dumper MRT (2009). Politics of Heritage and the Limitations of International Agency in Divided Cities'.
Dumper MRT (2009). The Multiple Borders of Jerusalem: Policy Implications for the Future of the City.
Dumper MRT. Jerusalem. In Rubenberg C (Ed) Encyclopaedia of the Middle East Conflict, 2009: Lynne Rienner Publications.
Dumper MRT (2008). Palestinian Refugees. In Loescher, G, Milner, J, Newman, E, Troeller, G (Eds.) Protracted Refugee Situations: Political, Human Rights and Security Implications, 2008: United Nations University Press, 189-213.
Dumper MRT (2008). Palestinian Waqfs and the Struggle over Jerusalem, 1967-200. Droit et Religions, 3, 199-221.
Dumper MRT (2007). Comparative Perspectives on the Repatriation and Resettlement of Palestinian Refugees: the cases of Guatemala, Bosnia and Afghanistan. In Benvenisti E, Gans C, Hanafi S (Eds.) Israel and the Palestinian Refugees, Springer Verlag, 387-407.
Dumper MRT (2007). The Future of Palestinian Refugees: Towards Equity and Peace., Lynne Rienner.
Dumper, M. (2007). “The Return of Palestinian Refugees and Displaced Persons: the evolution of an EU policy on the Middle East Peace Process”. In Brynen R, el-Rifai R (Eds.) Palestinian Refugees: challenges of repatriation and development, London: IB Tauris.
Dumper MRT (2006). 'Palestinian Refugees in Comparative Perspective: the cases of Guatemala, Bosnia and Afghanistan. In Benvenisti E, Hanafi S (Eds.) THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEE ISSUE AND THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT, Heidelberg: Max Plack Institute.
Dumper MRT (2006). 'The Return of Palestinan Refugees and Displaced Persons: the evolution of a European Union policy on the Middle East Peace Process'. In R, Rifai R (Eds.) THE ABSORBTION OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES, London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 79-101.
Dumper MRT (2006). Palestinian Refugee Repatriation: Global Perspectives., Routledge.
Dumper MRT (2006). The Comparative Study of Refugee Repatriation Programmes. In Dumper M (Ed) PALESTINIAN REFUGEE REPATRIATION: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES, London and New York: Routledge, 1-19.
Dumper, M. (2006). “The Struggle for Jerusalem:. Palestinian Muslim Waqfs in Jerusalem since 1967”. In Deguilheim R (Ed) RUPTURE WITH THE PAST: WAQFS AND POST COLONIALISM, Damascus:.
Dumper MRT (2002). The Politics of Sacred Space: the Old City of Jerusalem and the Middle East Conflict., Lynne Rienner.
Dumper, M. (2002). “The churches of Jerusalem in the post-Oslo period”. Journal of Palestinian Studies, XXXI(2), 51-65.
Dumper M (1997). The politics of Jerusalem since 1967. New York, Columbia University Press.
Dumper M (1994). Islam and Israel: Muslim religious endowments and the Jewish state. Washington DC, Institute for Palestine Studies.