Publications - Nahshon Perez
N. Perez. Governing the Sacred: Political Toleration in five Contested Sacred Sites. Co- authored with Yuval Jobani. Forthcoming with Oxford University Press (2020).
N. Perez. Women of the Wall: Navigating Religion in Sacred Sites. Co-authored with Yuval Jobani. Oxford University Press (2017).
Won the best book award from the Israel Political Science Association (2018), and an honorable mention as a finalist for the Shapiro award from the Association for Israel Studies (2018).
{reviewed at: Reading Religion, a publication of the American Academy of Religion (AAR); Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues; Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie: Diritto, Istituzioni, Società (Italian)}.
N. Perez. Freedom from Past Injustices: A Critical Evaluation of Claims for Inter- generational Reparations. Edinburgh University Press (2012).{reviewed at the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Political Studies Review, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, Historical Dialogues}.
Perez Nahshon and Rosman Elisheva. (2019) "Balaniyot, Baths and Beyond: Israel's State- Run Ritual Baths and the Rights of Women." the Journal of Law, Religion and State. 7(2), 184- 212.
Perez Nahshon and Fox Jonathan (2018), "Normative Theorizing and Political Data: Toward a Data-Sensitive Understanding of the Separation between Religion and State in Political Theory", Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. Early view:
Perez, Nahshon, (2018), “Posner's 'Law and Economics' and Politics: Bringing State- Skepticism Back In”, the Journal of Social Philosophy, 49(4), 589-609.
Perez, Nahshon, "Governing the Sacred: A Critical Typology of Models of Political Toleration in Contested Sacred Sites" (co-authored with Y. Jobani), the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion. Volume 7, Issue 2, 1 (June 2018), Pages 250–273.
N. Perez, J. Fox and J.M. McClure, "Unequal State Support of Religion: On Resentment, Equality and the Separation of Religion and State." Politics, Religion and Ideology. (2017), vol. 18, (4), pp: 431-448.
N. Perez. “Lautsi vs. Italy: Questioning the Majoritarian Premise”, Politics and Religion. Vol. 8 Iss. 3 (2015), pp: 565-587.
N. Perez. "Women of the Wall: A Normative Analysis of the Place of Religion in the Public Sphere", (co-authored with Y. Jobani), the Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, (2014) 3 (3), pp: 484-505.
N. Perez. “Toleration and Illiberal Groups in Context: Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox "Society of Learners”, (co-authored with Y. Jobani), Journal of Political Ideologies, vol. 19 (1), 2014, pp: 78- 98.
N. Perez. “Libertarianism, Rectification and Property Rights: A Reevaluation”, (January 2014), the Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. XXVII, no. 1, pp: 123-143
N. Perez. “The Limits of Liberal Toleration: the Case of the Ultra-Orthodox in Israel”, Journal of Church and State, (Spring 2014), 56 (2): 223-247.
N. Perez. “Property Rights and Transitional Justice, A Forward Looking Argument”, Canadian Journal of Political Science. March 2013, (46: 1); pp: 135-155.
N. Perez. “The Privatization of Jewishness in Israel (or: on Economic Post Zionism)”, Israel Affairs, Vol. 19, 2 (2013), 273-289.
N. Perez. “On Compensation and Return: Can the ‘Continuing Injustice Argument’ for Compensating for Historical Injustices Justify Compensating for Historical Injustices, or the Return of Property?”, Journal of Applied Philosophy vol. 28, no. 2 (May 2011), pp: 151-168.
N. Perez. “Why Tolerating Illiberal Groups is Often Incoherent: On Internal Minorities, liberty, 'Shared Understandings' and Skepticism”, Social Theory and Practice, vol. 36, no. 2 (April 2010), pp: 291-314.
N. Perez. “Cultural Requests and Cost Internalization: A Left Liberal Proposal” Social Theory and Practice, Vol. 35, no. 2 (April 2009), pp: 201-228.
N. Perez. “Should Multiculturalists Oppress the Oppressed? On Religion, Culture and the Individual and Cultural Rights of Un-Liberal Communities.” Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, Vol. 5 Issue 3, (2002), pp: 51-79.
N. Perez. “Discrimination vs. Permissible Preferential Treatment in U. of Haifa’s Dormitories, or, When Cicero Met Adalah in the Cafeteria”, Israel Affairs, Vol. 17. Issue 2, (April 2011), pp: 278-295.
N. Perez. “Israel’s Law of Return: A Qualified Justification”, Modern Judaism, Vol. 31, 1 (February 2011), pp: 59-84.
N. Perez. “The Internal Contradictions of Recognition Theory”, Libertarian Papers, Vol. 4 no. 1 (2012), available at:
N. Perez. “Must We Provide Material Redress for Past Wrongs?”, Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics, 2nd edition, C. H. Wellman and A. I. Cohen (eds.), Blackwell Publishing, 2013, pp: 203-216.
N. Perez. “Exit and the Temporal Dimension”, On Exit, edited by Dagmar Borchers and Annamari Vitikainen. De Gruyter: Berlin and New York, 2012; 102-115.
N. Perez. “Days of Rest in Multicultural Societies: Public, Private, Separate?” (Co authored with Ruth Gavison), Law and Religion in Theoretical and Historical Context, edited by Peter Cane, Carolyn Evans and Zoe Robinson, Cambridge U.P. 2008, pp: 186-213.
N. Perez. “Liberal Justice vs. Local Norms; On the Importance of Heterogeneity within Illiberal Communities”, Plurality and Citizenship in Israel, edited by Dan Avnon and Yotam Benziman, Routledge, 2009, pp: 171-189.
N. Perez. “Jewish Identity between Disruption and Revival: M. J. Berdyczewski’s Critique of Identity: On Secularization, Self-Negation, and Pyrrhic Victories”, The Jewish Political Tradition (in memory of Prof. Daniel Elazar), editor: M. Helinger, Bar Ilan University Press, 2010 (in Hebrew), pp: 201-228.