Get in touch.
Have a question or want to share information with us? Email us at sharedsacredsites@gmail.com or submit a message using the form below. You can also follow us on our Facebook page here.
We are always looking for new materials concerning shared sacred site. Want to share a news story with us? Want to suggest a book or website that should be included in the Repository? Do you have a fieldwork materials that you’d like to share via the Fieldwork Archive? We’d love to have them all.
Submit a News Story
The newsfeed appears on the front page of the website and aims to provide updated information on shared sacred sites appearing in the news. To send us a news story, please contact us at sharedsacredsites@gmail.com
Submit Bibliography to the Repository
The Repository is a catalog of references to bibliographic and multimedia publications on the subject of shared sacred sites. To suggest bibliography for inclusion in the catalog, please paste the information (author, date, title, publisher) into an email and send it to us at sharedsacredsites@gmail.com.
Similarly, if you find an error in any entry in the Repository, please notify us and we’ll correct it as soon as possible.
Submit to the Fieldwork Archive
The Fieldwork Archive is a catalog of ethnographic materials on shared sacred sites, including images, audios, videos, and field-notes, that are organized by specific site, country, and community. To contribute fieldwork materials to the Archive, please fill out the survey located here.