Directory of Scholars
The directory of scholars provides a profile for dozens of scholars in the network, including their areas of interest, associated sites, and links to their publications and fieldwork materials
Albera, Dionigi
Anthropologist, Research Director CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Institute of Mediterranean European and Comparative Ethnology (IDEMEC), Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest: Shared sacred sites in the Mediterranean
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Algeria (Notre Dame de Santa Cruz, Oran; Notre Dame d’Alger, Algiers); Tunisia (La Goulette, Djerba); France (Notre Dame de Santa Cruz, Nîmes); Italy (Lampedusa); Turkey (arkeyüyükada; Saint Antony Church, Istanbul)
Contact: albera@mmsh.univ-aix.fr Website: link
Aubin-Boltanski, Emma
Research fellow, Chargée de recherches -CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research)
Areas of Interest: Pilgrimage; interreligious relations; the Virgin; mysticism
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Lebanon (Bechouate); Egypt (Zaytoun); Syria (Soufanieh)
Contact: aubin@ehess.fr Website: link
Barkey, Karen
Haas Distinguished Chair of Religious Diversity and Professor of Sociology – University of California, Berkeley
Areas of Interest: Comparative Historical Sociology, Political Sociology, Historical Methods
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Istanbul (Vefa, Saint Antony Church, Aya Yorgi, Büyükada)
Contact: barkey@berkeley.edu Website: link
Bastin, Rohan
Associate Professor of Anthropology – Deakin University
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of Ritual & Religious Aesthetics, Secularism, Ethnicity, Civil War, Development
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Sri Lanka (Chilaw 1985-6; Kalutara 1994-5; Colombo 1998-2000, 2015-6; Kataragama 2008); India (Kerala 2000, 2008)
Contact: rohan.bastin@deakin.edu.au Website: link
Bellamy, Carla
Associate Professor of South Asian Religion – Baruch College, City University of New York
Areas of Interest: popular Hinduism and Islam in contemporary India; conversion and issues of religious identity; communalism; religious healing; caste practices in non-Hindu communities
Fieldwork: Central India (Husain Tekri; Jaora); Delhi (Shani temples); Mumbai (domestic imambaras); Udaipur (healing shrines)
Contact: Carla.Bellamy@baruch.cuny.edu Website: link
Bielenin-Lenczowska, Karolina
Dr, Assistant Professor – Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Warsaw / Department of Anthropology, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Areas of Interest: anthropology of migration, neighbourly relations of Muslims and Christians in the Balkans, Islam in Europe; Polish Diaspora in Brazil; cultural heritage (food and language practices)
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Macedonia (Western part, inhabited by Muslims and Christians; 2006-2015), Brazil (villages in Parana state; 2015-16)
Contact: k.bielenin@uw.edu.pl Website: link
Bigelow, Anna
Associate Professor – Stanford University
Areas of Interest: Sacred sites shared between Muslims and non-Muslims in India and Turkey, especially Punjab, Bangalore, Istanbul, and Selcuk
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Istanbul (Vefa), Istanbul (Ayasofya/Hagia Sophia), Selcuk (Meryemana Evi), Punjab (Malerkotla), Bangalore (Dargah Hazrat Tawakkul Mastan), Chikmaglur (Baba Budhan Shah/Swami Dattatreya Peeta)
Contact: abigelow@stanford.edu Website: link
Boivin, Michel
Director of Research in Historical Anthropology – Centre for South Asian Studies – CNRS-EHESS
Areas of Interest: Sufism, Hinduism, South Asia, Sindhiyyat, Colonial and Postcolonial periods, Elite, knowledge
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Sindhicate area: Pakistan (Karachi, Hyderabad, Sehwan Sharif, Thatta), India (Bombay, Ulhasnagar, Baroda, Bhuj), London
Contact: mboivin@ehess.fr Website: link / YouTube Channel / Blog
Bossi, Luca
Research fellow in Sociology of Religions and Migrations – University of Turin, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
Areas of Interest: Religions in the public sphere; minority places of worship and the right to the city; politics and policies on religious minorities; migration processes and policies for social inclusion; urban contexts and the governance of diversity; processes of secularisation and religious transmission.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Italy, Switzerland
Contact: luca.bossi@unito.it
Bowman, Glenn
Professor of Socio-historical Anthropology – University of Kent
Areas of Interest: Ethnic, national and religious identity politics, intercommunal relations, shrines and pilgrimage; Israel/Palestine (more)
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Israel and the Occupied Territories: Jerusalem (Anastasis, Tomb of the Virgin), Bethlehem (Rachel’s Tomb, Mar Elyas, Church of the Nativity), Beit Sahour (Bir es-Sayeedah), Khadr (Monastery of St George). Macedonia (FYROM): Kicevo (Sveti Bogoroditsa Prechsta), Makedonski Brod (Sveti Nikola), Stip (Husamedin Pasha Mosque)
Contact: glb@kent.ac.uk Website: link-1 or link-2
Bria, Gianfranco
Professor of Islamic Law - Department of Oriental Studies, University of Rome Sapienza | Associate Member - Centre d’Études Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Areas of Interest: Islamic authority; daily-lived Islam; Ottoman and post-Ottoman Muslims history in southern-eastern Europe; shared beiefs & rituals; gender & body.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Turkey
Contact: gianfranco.bria@gmail.com Website: link
Bryant, Rebecca
Associate Professorial Research Fellow – European Institute, London School of Economics
Areas of Interest: conflict and cultural heritage, coexistence, post-Ottomanism
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Cyprus, Turkey
Contact: r.e.bryant@lse.ac.uk Website: link
Buturovic, Amila
Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Humanities – York University, Toronto
Areas of Interest: Ottoman and post-Ottoman Bosnia and Herzegovina; Islam in the Balkans; death culture; shared beiefs & rituals; shared healing practices
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Bosnia and Herzegovina (medieval stećak cemeteries; Ottoman tombstones)
Contact: amilab@yorku.ca Website: link_1 and link_2
Cohen, Raymond
Professor Emeritus – Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Areas of Interest: Vatican-Israel relationship, Christian Holy Places in Israel
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Contact: raymond.cohen@mail.huji.ac.il
Couroucli, Maria
Anthropologist, Research Director CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporain (IIAC), Paris
Areas of Interest: Post-Ottoman world; Ritual and Religious Calendar; Greece; Turkey; shared sanctuaries of St George; Mediterranean shared shrines
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Istanbul (St George, Büyükada); Lesbos
Contact: maria.couroucli@cnrs.fr Website: link
Darieva, Tsypylma
Dr. – Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Areas of Interest: anthropology of transnational networks, urban sacred spaces, post-socialism, migration
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Yerevan (Blue Mosque), Baku (Mir Movsum Agha tomb, Russian Orthodox Church, Besh Barmak pir, Ali Ayagi pir in Azerbaijan)
Contact: tsypylma25@gmail.com Website: link
de Obaldía, Vanessa R.
Ottomanist, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz for the ERC Starting Grant Project titled Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society (MAMEMS): Contextualizing the History of a Monastic Republic, ca. 850-1550
Areas of Interest: Doctrine and practice in Islamic law, non-Muslims and their communal and religious institutions in Ottoman Anatolia, exopraxis and conversion in relation to sacred spaces and places of worship, the study of historical and contemporary charitable endowments of minorities.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Turkey and Greece
Contact: v.r.deobaldia@gmail.com Website: link
de Tapia, Aude Aylin
Historian, Junior Professor, Orientalisches Seminar, Alberts-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg (Germany)
Areas of Interest: History and Anthropology of Ottoman and Turkish societies, Shared sacred sites in Turkey, Christian-Muslim coexistence, rural areas, cultural heritage.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Turkey (Istanbul, Aya Yorgi Büyükada ; Cappadocia)
Contact: aylin.de.tapia@orient.uni-freiburg.de Website: link
Diktaş, Mustafa
Doctorant – École des hautes études en sciences sociales
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of religion, Pilgrimage, shared sacred sites
Fieldwork: İstanbul( Büyükada/ Aya Yorgi)
Contact: mushtik@hotmail.com or mustafa.diks@outlook.com Website: link
Dumper, Mick
Professor – University of Exeter, UK
Areas of Interest: Conflict in cities, religious diversity, holy sites, Arab-Israeli conflict, India and Malaysia, forced migration, UN and conflict resolution
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Israel/Palestine, Varanasi, India and George Town, Malaysia
Contact: mick.dumper@exeter.ac.uk
Eade, John
Professor – University of Roehampton, UK
Areas of Interest: global migration and pilgrimage across Europe
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Lourdes, France
Contact: J.Eade@roehampton.ac.uk
Cozma, Ioan
Professor of Byzantine Canon Law at Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome (Italy)
Areas of Interest: Byzantine Law, Comparative religious law, Orthodox monasticism, Interreligious dialogue and conflicts, Shared religious places
Fieldwork: Romania, Italy, and USA
Contact: icozma@orientale.it Website: https://orientale.it/it/contatti-docenti/
D'Alessandro, Eleonora
MAXXI -National Museum of Contemporary Art
Areas of Interest: Art history; Byzantine Art; Byzantine Architecture; Urban religions; Contemporary Architecture; Religious Architecture; Shared religious places
Publications: https://www.treccani.it/magazine/atlante/societa/Luoghi_di_integrazione_religiosa.html
Fieldwork: Yerevan (Blue Mosque), Baku (Mir Movsum Agha tomb, Russian Orthodox Church, Besh Barmak pir, Ali Ayagi pir in Azerbaijan)
Contact: eleonoradalessandro01@gmail.com
Farra-Haddad, Nour
PHD Religious Anthropologist – Centre d’Etude et d’interpretation du Fait Religieux (CEDIFR) – FSR -Saint Joseph Univeristy
Areas of Interest: Pilgrimages, rituals, saints, religious tourism, Islam, Christianity, Lebanon, Holy land
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Beirut, North Lebanon, South Lebanon, Bekaa Valley, Mount Lebanon
Contact: nour@neoslb.com Website: link
Fliche, Benoît
Anthropologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Institute of Mediterranean European and Comparative Ethnology (IDEMEC), Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest: Turkey, France
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Istanbul (Büyükada, Saint Antoine, Eyüp); Ankara; Yozgat Contact: benoit.fliche@cnrs.fr
Fowden, Elizabeth Key
University of Cambridge, Institute of Ismaili Studies
Areas of Interest: Re-use and re-imagining of sites in Greater Syria / as-Sham (especially late antique and early Islamic), Greece (especially Ottoman)
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Rusafa, Syria; Athens, Greece
Contact: ekf31@cam.ac.uk Website: link
Giorda, Maria Chiara
Associate Professor of History of Religions Roma Tre University
Areas of Interest: History of Monasticism; Shared religious places; Geography of Religions; Urban religion; pilgrimages
Publications: link
Contact: mariachiara.giorda@uniroma3.it Website: link
Grant, Bruce
Professor of Anthropology – New York University
Areas of Interest: Historical anthropology, Islam
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Former Soviet Union, Caucasus, Azerbaijan
Contact: bruce.grant@nyu.edu Website: link
Guidetti, Mattia
Doctor – University of Vienna
Areas of Interest: Islamic holy places / historiography / art and architecture
Fieldwork: Syria
Contact: mattia.guidetti@univie.ac.at Website: link
Harmansah, Rabia
Areas of Interest: Cultural Anthropology, Memory Studies, Anthropology of Religion, Material Culture
Fieldwork: Southern and Northern Cyprus (various sites), Turkey (Haci Bektas Veli Museum and Konya Mevlana Museum)
Contact: rah48@pitt.edu Website/Publications: link
HadžiMuhamedović, Safet
Anthropologist, Research Associate in Inter-Faith Relations (Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge) | Postdoctoral Research Associate, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge | Senior Teaching Fellow (SOAS University of London)
Areas of Interest: syncretic religion and anti-syncretism; post-conflict inter-faith relations; time and temporality; home, belonging and migration; shared saints; posthuman theory and interspecies engagements; cosmology and water; nationalism; subjectivity and affect; solitude and loneliness; karst and subterranean rivers.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Bosnia (Gacko, Dinaric highlands, Popovo Polje, Sarajevo, Kreševo, Brateljevići, Ratiš, Ajvatovica, Stolac, Mokro, Tuzla); Palestine (Jerusalem, al-Ludd, al-Khader, Bethlehem); the Basque Country (Bilbao, Gernika)
Contact: sh639@cam.ac.uk Website: Shared Sacred, Bosnian Landscapes, Cambridge Divinity
Hassner, Ron E.
Associate Professor – U.C. Berkeley
Areas of Interest: religion and conflict, religious practice, religion in the military
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Jerusalem, California
Contact: hassner@berkeley.edu Website: link
Hayden, Robert M.
Professor of Anthropology, Law and Public & International Affairs – University of Pittsburgh
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of politics and law; competitive sharing of religious sites; comparative research; the Balkans; India
Publications: link
Fieldwork: India (Madhi and other sites associated with Kanifnath/ Shah Ramzan)
Contact: rhayden@pitt.edu Website: link
Henig, David
Lecturer in Social Anthropology – University of Kent
Areas of Interest: Pilgrimage (esp. ziyaret), transregional dervish networks, genealogical imagination, mediation and materiality, ritual and temporality (esp. calendars), historical consciousness, religious nationalism and political cosmologies, everyday diplomacy in ‘mixed spaces’, local cosmopolitanism; Religious charity – ‘shared’ soup kitchens; Post-Ottoman world; post-Yugoslav spaces; Caucasus
Fieldwork: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Dagestan; Sacred spaces: Pilgrimage sites in Bosnia-Herzegovina (especially Muslim sites) – Ajvatovica, Blagaj tekija, Karići, and localised annual ‘dove’ in Central Bosnia; Rifa’i lodges in post-Yugoslav spaces
Contact: d.henig@kent.ac.uk Website: link
Jaffrelot, Christophe
Research Director CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Centre de recherches internationales (CERI-Sciences Po/CNRS), Paris, and Kings India Institute (London)
Areas of Interest: India, Pakistan, Sufism, Dargah, Shia-Sunni relations
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Ahmedabad (Shah Alam and Sarkhej Roza), Ajmer (Dargah Sharif and Tara Garh), Delhi (Nizamuddin)
Contact: jaffrelot@orange.fr
Jiga Iliescu, Laura
Senior researcher in folklore and ethnology – The “C. Brailoiu” Institute of Ethnography and Folklore, Bucharest, Romanian Academy of Sciences
Areas of Interest: vernacular religiosity in Orthodox Christian millieus (rituals, narratives, images); charms; shared sites and shared agents of sacredness; mountainous ethnology; orality and literacy
Fieldwork: Romania: monasteries with miraculous icons; Dervent Monastery (miraculous water and stone crosses); Babadag (grave of Koyun Baba);
Contact: balaurax2@yahoo.com or atelier.carpati@gmail.com Website: link
Kaliszewska, Iwona
University of Warsaw, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of Politics, Anthropology of Islam, Area studies in the Caucasus
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Dagestan, Chechnya, Ukraine, Georgia (Pankisi)
Contact: iwona.kaliszewska@gmail.com Website: link
Kedar, Benjamin Z.
Professor of History – The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Areas of Interest: Comparative and world history; Crusades; The use of series of aerial photographs as a historical sources
Publications: link
Contact: bzkedar@mail.huji.ac.il
Khamaisi, Rassem
Professor – University of Haifa
Areas of Interest: Urban and regional planning, Human Geography
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Istanbul
Contact: Khamaisir@gmail.com
Klein, Menachem
Professor – Bar Ilan University, Israel
Areas of Interest: Palestine, Israel Muslim and Jewish holy sites
Fieldwork: Jerusalem [Temple Mt. Wailing Wall, Nabi Samuel], Hebron [Cave of Patriach] Nebi Rubin
Contact: kleinm11@gmail.com
Koneska, Elizabeta
N.I. Museum of Macedonia
Areas of Interest: Slavic Orthodox community in Istanbul, Turkish and other Muslims ethnic and religious communities (Yuruks, Bektashi, Rufai, Torbeshi); Shared Shrines; Traditional food; Coppersmith and Tinsmith crafts
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Different towns and religious places, Stip – Husametin Mosque, Tetovo, Arabati Baba Tekke Kicevo, churches and tekkes, Bitola, krkkardas.
Contact: elizabeta.koneska@yahoo.de
Kreinath, Jens
Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology – Wichita State University
Areas of Interest: Eastern Mediterranean and the Northern Levant (Turkey, Syria, Iraq); Religious Minorities (Orthodox Christians, Arab Alawites); Interrituality, Semiotics, Aesthetics, Material Religion, Anthropology of the Body
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Antioch/Antakya (St. Pierre Church); Antioch/Antakya (Habib-i Neccar Mosque); Harbiye (Sheik Yusuf el-Hekim); Iskenderun (St. George Church); Samandağ (Hz. Hızır Rock)
Contact: Jens.Kreinath@wichita.edu Website: link
Kuehn, Sara
Doctor – Department of Religious Studies, University of Vienna
Areas of Interest: Central and Southeastern Europe (especially the tombs/maqāms of Ṣarī Ṣaltūq)
Fieldwork: Central and Southeastern Europe (especially Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Novi Pazar Sandžak in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, the Dobruja in Romania and the Crimea, Ukraine) with particular focus on the Naqshbandiyya, Qādiriyya, Rifā‘iyya, Khalwatiyya, Mawlawiyya, Malāmiyya, Sa‘diyya and Bektāshiyya brotherhoods
Contact: sara@sarakuehn.com or sara.kuehn@univie.ac.at
Lubanska, Magdalena
Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw
Areas of Interest: Muslims and Christians in the Bulgarian Rhodopes. Studies on Religious (Anti)Syncretism – Shared Shrines, Religious (Anti)syncretism, Pilgrimage, Strategies of Coexistence, Religious and National Identity and Ideologies, Religious Narratives, Apocrypha, (Post)Memory, Healing Practices, Material Religion, Ottoman Empire, Komsholuk, Muslim-Christian Relations in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Speaking Muslims (Pomaks), Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Hadzhidimovo (The Monastery of St George), Krastova Gora, Obrochishte (Tomb of Akyazili Baba/Monastery of St Athanasius)
Contact: magdalena.lubanska@gmail.com Website: link
Luz, Nimrod
Associate Professor – Kinneret College on the Sea of Galilee
Areas of Interest: geography of religion, anthropology of sacred sites, cultural geography, Israel/Palestine, sacred sites in contested regions, charismatic places, urban religions and religions in the city.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Jerusalem (Haram al-Sharif, Old City, Rachel’s Tomb), Tel Aviv-Jaffa (Hassan Bey Mosque), Tiberias (Rachel’s Tomb), Bethlehem (Our Lady of the Wall), Ibbelin (shrine of Mariam Bawardy), Acre (Lababidi Mosque, Yashrutiyya Lodge), Kaukab abu al-Hijja (Maqam Abu al-Hijja). Acre (Religiocity: comparative analysis of religious infrastructures)
Contact: luznimrod@mx.kinneret.ac.il Website: link and link 2
Mayeur-Jaouen, Catherine
Professor of Modern History – Institut national des Langues et Civilisations orientales (INALCO), Paris
Areas of Interest: Egypt, Copts and Muslims, mawlids, History and Anthropology
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Cairo (Zeitun, Mataria); Northern Egypt (Tantâ); Upper Egypt (Assiut, Dronka)
Contact: mayeur-jaouen@wanadoo.fr Website: link
Meri, Josef
Professor – Center for the Study of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Relations, Merrimack College
Areas of Interest: History of shrines in Syria, Palestine, Iraq, and Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq and Egypt, Medieval Syria, Jewish shrines in Egypt, Jewish shrines in Iraq, Jewish shrines in Palestine, shared Muslim and Christian shrines in Syria and Palestine, Ritual behaviour, history of sacred places, Mamilla Cemetery, Jerusalem
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Damascus, Jerusalem, Sitt Zaynab (Damascus), Sitt Ruqayya (Damascus), Dome of the Rock & Al-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem), John the Baptist (Damascus), Sitt Ruqayya (Damascus), Maqam Al-Arba’in (Damascus), Maqam Ibrahim (Damascus), Maqam Muhyi al-Din ibn Arabi (Damascus), Bab al-Saghir Cemetery (Damascus), Bab Tuma (Damascus), Maimonides Synagogue (Cairo), Shrine of Martyrs (Damascus)
Contact: jwmeri@gmail.com Website: link
Mühlfried, Florian
Dr. – Caucasus Studies Program, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Areas of Interest: sharing and not sharing the sacra
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Caucasus, particularly Georgia
Contact: ethno.kaukasus@gmail.com Website: link
Neveu, Norig
Research Fellow – Institut français du Proche-Orient (IFPO), Amman
Areas of Interest: Historical and anthropological methods, sacred topography, pilgrimage, heritage, Holy Land, Jordan, Palestine
Fieldwork: Jordan: Karak (al-Khidr), ‘Ajlûn (Mar Ilyas), Amman (Seven Sleepers)
Contact: n.neveu@ifporient.org or norigneveu@hotmail.fr Website: link
Omenetto, Silvia
Research Fellow in Geography of Religions - University of Rome “Sapienza”
Areas of Interest: Urban religions and religions in the city; Architecture (places of worship and cemeteries); Gurudwaras and Sikh communities in Europe (in particular Italy, Germany and France); Shared religious places; Urban Planning and regeneration; GIS and Geography of Religions; Salesian Geography in Argentina (1875-1910).
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Italy, France, Argentina
Contact: silvia.omenetto@uniroma1.it Website: link
Pénicaud, Manoël
Anthropologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Institute of Mediterranean European and Comparative Ethnology (IDEMEC), Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest: Pilgrimages Studies; Interreligious Studies; Mediterranean; Europe; Visual Anthropology (filming and photography); Museography
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Ephesus (Seven Sleepers, House of Mary); Jerusalem (Tomb of Mary, Holy Sepulchre); Palestine (Abraham Path); Sept-Saints, Vieux-Marché, Brittany (pilgrimage of the Seven Sleepers); Essaouira (pilgrimage of the Regragas)
Archive: link
Contact: manoelpenicaud@gmail.com Website: link
Perez, Nahshon
Lecturer (Asst. Prof.) – Bar Ilan University
Areas of Interest: Women of the Wall, political toleration, models of governing the sacred
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Western Wall, Women of the Wall
Contact: nahshonp@gmail.com Website: link
Piraino, Francesco
Postdoctoral Fellow at IDEMEC-CNRS (Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative)
Areas of Interest: My interests are popular religion, spirituality and mysticism. In particular I am focused on Sufism and Catholicism. The methodological approach is mainly ethnographic, supported by in depth interviews.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Palermo (Santa Rosalia), Avellino (Mamma Schiavona), Cyprus (Saint Barnabas), Assisi (Saint Francesco)
Contact: francescopiraino84@gmail.com Website: link
Poujeau, Anna
Anthropologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Centre d’études en sciences sociales du religieux (CéSOR-EHESS), Paris
Areas of Interest: Near-East, Syria and Lebanon. Christian minorities, Interconfessionnal relations, monasticism, funeral rituals, poetics. Religious and Political Anthropology
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Syria: Damascus (Bab Tûmâ); monasteries in Qalamoun and in Wadi al-nassara; Hawrân and Jabal al-Arab
Contact: anna_poujeau@hotmail.com or anna.poujeau@ehess.fr
Website: link and link
Rapper, Gilles de
Anthropologist, CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) – Institute of Mediterranean European and Comparative Ethnology (IDEMEC), Aix-Marseille University
Areas of Interest: Albania, Communism and Post-Communism, Visual Anthropology
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Albania: Devoll (1995-2010), Gjirokastër (2001-2015), Tirana (2008-2015), Elbasan (2009-2014)
Contact: gilles.derapper@cnrs.fr Website: link
Reiter, Yitzhak
Professor – Ashkelon Academic College anf JIIS
Areas of Interest: Methods of conflict resolution at shared holy sites
Publications: link
Fieldwork: see 14 case studies in my forthcoming book about Conflict resolution in shared holy places in Palestine and Israel
Contact: Yitzhak.reiter@mail.huji.ac.il Website: link
Russo, Carmelo
Anthropologist, Marie Curie Research Fellow - Sapienza University of Rome
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of Religion, Migration and Religion, Religious Minorities, Shared Sacred Sites
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Italy (Rome, Trapani, Sabine Area); Tunisia (Tunis, La Goulette)
Contact: carmelo.russo@uniroma1.it Website: link
Stadler, Nurit
Associate Professor – The Hebrew University
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of religion, sociology of religion, sacred places, religion and (post)modernity, comparative religion, sacred female shrines, veneration of female saints, rituals
Fieldwork: the ultra Orthodox community in Jerusalem, the veneration of the tomb of Mary in Jerusalem, The veneration and rituals at the tomb of Rachel Bethlehem, the shrine of Mariam Bowardi at Iblin, Our Lady on the wall in Bethlehem, The tomb of Rachel the wife of Rabbi Akiva Tiberias
Contact: nurit.stadler@mail.huji.ac.il Website: link
Stewart, Charles
Professor of Anthropology – University College London
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of Religion, Syncretism, Creolization, Anthropology of History
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Greece
Contact: c.stewart@ucl.ac.uk Website: link
Tateo, Giuseppe
Junior Research Fellow - Institute of Sociological Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Areas of Interest: Anthropology of religion and ritual, Eastern Christianity, Urban Anthropology, Muslim-Orthodox relations in Romania, Post-Socialism, Christian-Orthodox Architecture.
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Maramures County and Bucharest (Romania); Chişinău (Rep. Moldova)
Contact: giuseppe.tateo@hotmail.com
Tsibiridou, Fotini
Professor of Social Anthropology – University of Macedonia-Thessaloniki Greece
Areas of Interest: popular religion in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean world; Popular Islam, Sufism and Christian Orthodox practices; ethnographic film and literature
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Greek Thrace, Pomak villages, teke of Roussa, Rhodopi mountains, Greek Macedonia, Istanbul, Ibadism in Oman
Contact: ft@uom.gr Website: link
Tsourous, Georgios
Graduate Student – University of Kent
Areas of Interest: Intercommunal, interreligious relations, anthropology of religion, Christianity in the Middle East, Israel/Palestine
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Jerusalem (Church of the Holy Sepuclhre), Bethlehem (Al-Khader)
Contact: gt206@kent.ac.uk Website: link
Walton, Jeremy
Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Areas of Interest: Memory studies, Islam in Turkey, urban geography, architecture and public space
Publications: link
Fieldwork: Turkey
Contact: walton@mmg.mpg.de Website: link
Wolper, Ethel Sara
Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire
Areas of Interest: history of Islam and the Middle East, Sufism, Islam in America, Islamic Art, heritage conservation in the Islamic world
Publications: link
Contact: Ethel.Wolper@unh.edu Website: link and link 2